
1. "Surprising Facts About Happy People" Mormon Channel Daily episode--this is my tender mercy of the day! It mentions surrounding yourself with happy people, getting enough sleep, having deep conversations with others, and spending more money on others than on yourself. Also, listening to uplifting music can be as effective as massage therapy in reducing stress. Not eating healthy can contribute to depression. Being outside instead of always on the computer helps. Laughter releases neurotransmitters. And my favorite: happy people make an effort to be happy. If they have an unhappy thought, they replace it with something happy. And lastly, true happiness only comes from making others happy. I love that!

2. This website is so good! It helps you understand what life is like for those with autism, Down Syndrome, cancer, etc. I'm going to show them to my kids someday. :)

3. The temple was so good today! The Salt Lake temple is beautiful and there's just a powerful spirit about Temple Square.

4. My paper wasn't as daunting today! Somehow, it's becoming not as hard...thanks to Heavenly Father, no doubt!

5. Neil and Bethany have fun friends. I like them. :D

6. I've been trying to write my prayers down, which I like because it helps me to focus, plus I think it will help me see when my prayers have been answered.

7. There is now an "Aspire to Something Higher" Mormonad in my room...and I have to look up to see it, which adds a nice effect! It's perfect, because that's exactly what my focus is right now!

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