
1. I had the best scripture study I've had in a long time this morning! My biggest tender mercy of the day actually happened late last night. I was lying in bed and wasn't really sure if I should have counted myself as studying the scriptures for a long enough time...after I wrestled over it for a minute I decided to study the scriptures for just a few more minutes. I am SO GLAD I did, because it prompted me to strive to be more valiant. I realized that I need push myself spiritually more, and all of a sudden I had a ton of ideas of ways that I can strengthen myself spiritually. One that I'm most excited about is longer scripture studies. During the school year it was hard to do more than just the "bare minimum," but I realized that I have still been living in that mindset even though I have more time now!

2. Another inspiration that came to me was that I wasn't signed up for institute! For some reason I had mistakenly thought that institute choir (which I still haven't been able to go to because of activities that pop up) counted as institute...so I found an institute class and went to it today! It was the best institute class I've had in a long time! Everything was so powerful. The teacher had a humble, quiet (but still confident and powerful) personality, which I loved, because there was a lot of space for the Spirit to speak. I have missed youuuuuu institute!

3. I was studying about Down Syndrome for my psychology class today and came across this incredible blog from the mother of a girl who has Down Syndrome! She wrote a post all about what it was like to find out that her daughter had Down Syndrome, and it made me so emotionalllll. I was crying hardddd. So good!

4. My TRAX ride today was fun :D

5. I ran 3.5 miles today! That's farther than I've ever run before, I think...I felt really good afterwards!

6. Mama and I made it to the temple tonight by the skin of our teeth (figuratively) right before it closed. It felt so good to be there.

7. Mama and I also got to see Par-Par tonight. He's great. :D

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