
1. Tri-stake temple trip! We had a chapel session beforehand, which I had never done in the Salt Lake temple (or knew about!) before. It was powerful to be surrounded by so many strong young single adults! I feel like it was Heavenly Father's way of telling me that there are plenty of young single adults out there--sometimes I feel like they're all hiding. But now I know where...the temple!

2. I got to do sealings while I was there, and I felt inspiration and motivation pouring in on me the whole time about how I can progress. I loved it!

3. Institute today was so good as well--my favorite part was the teacher talking about how Moroni was constantly making bigger and better fortifications. The war chapters are some of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon because I feel like they're so applicable to how we can protect ourselves against the adversary. The question I've had lately is how I can keep my focus when I'm trying to live a certain principle. It seems really strong for the first few days, and then I lose steam. So, my teacher's insight that Moroni was always moving upwards seems to be the answer. There is no plateau. I need to be constantly striving to find the next thing that will help me be strong. My mission president and his wife are the ultimate example to me in this--they would always give us practical invitations for the work, and they would always be progressing themselves. For example, my mission president's wife decided she wanted to work on becoming more diligent and having more self-discipline, so she decided to stop eating chocolate. My mission president reads books that the General Authorities write. I love little practical suggestions like that--small and simple things.

4. And that small and simple idea today is to use my driving time to memorize the Primary songs! I've felt like the radio has gotten kind of bad, so this was the answer Heavenly Father gave me. It's perfect, because one of my goals is to memorize the Primary songs so I can sing them to my kids.

5. And the fifth way I saw Heavenly Father's hand today...I still feel like it's just a huge tender mercy that I get to live with Neil and Boo Boo. They make my summer way more fun than I could. :D

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