Tips for Life

Have you ever read Life's Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.? It's one of my all-time favorite books. I realized that I have been learning a lot of life lessons and I don't want them to get lost in day-to-day life and scraps of paper.

-'I would like to issue a challenge: Sometime today take a piece of paper and divide it into two halves. On the right side list things that could intensify light in your life: temple attendance, attendance at all Sunday meetings, scriptures, prayers, repentance, service, and so forth. On the left side list things that you think, desire, do, say, view, or even places you go, that diminish light from your life. Then ask yourself in all honesty, "How can I improve in those things that intensify light, and what can I simply let go of that takes light away?" As in the story of Achan: "What accursed things do I do, say, think, or hold onto that drain my power?" This list can be compared to a dimmer switch that controls the intensity of light within our homes. Turn the dial to the right and light increases. Turn the dial to the left and the light dims. The decision as to which way we turn the dial is up to us.' -Brother Dennis L. Largey, The Armour of Light

-Recognize the power in councils, especially as families. It is the Lord's way.

-"Things will work out." (President Gordon B. Hinckley) On those really hard days, train your brain to think positively. It works, I promise. Think to yourself, "I am worthwhile", "I am a hard worker", whatever you need! Because if you're not filling your mind with uplifting thoughts, you're letting them be filled with self-doubts, and those never help you. You can create your thoughts and those thoughts can create your world.

-NEVER eat heavy before you go running. NEVER.

-Playing piano well requires playing slowly enough for you to look ahead to the next note! Prepare and look for flats and sharps.

-You think about whatever you fill your life with. If you want to think about the gospel, you'll need to fill your tank with scriptures! If you want to think about cats all a crazy cat lady.

-You can be obedient to all the commandments in the scriptures. Have faith in that! (1 Nephi 3:7)

-Companionship is more than living side by side. It is doing things together, no matter how small! It brings you happiness that can't be found alone.

-Your thoughts are powerful and telling yourself something really does help you believe it!

-You can make ANYTHING happen! Believe, dream, and take steps to make them reality! You can be a fast runner, a good pianist, a good conversationalist - fulfill your dreams!

-Strong marriages are based on strong friendships and doing the little things your spouse loves. (The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert, by John Gottman, Ph.D.)

-Diligence - going until you reach the desired results. Nephi is a really good example of diligence - he always had an objective and he always followed through until he reached that objective!

-1 Corinthians 10:13 - recognize the escapes Heavenly Father gives you and change your circumstances. The world tells you that you have to face your temptation or weakness to overcome it. You should just change your circumstance so you don't have to face that temptation. A gambler will never overcome his addiction in the casino.

-Realize that you don't have to listen to the negative thoughts the adversary feeds you. This is important in all aspects of your life!

-Effective prayers require talking to Heavenly Father about all aspects of your life. Then, ask questions one by one and listen for His answers. They'll come.

-If you feel like you're lacking in self-discipline, find one easy task you can do and do it. It will motivate you to do more and help you to trust the promises you make to yourself!

-Make roommate scripture study a priority, not happenstance.

-Measure the success of your life by how many people you help.

-Have a known, written purpose in your life and become passionate about it.

-Don't be a respecter of persons - treat the cashier with the same respect you would give to President Monson.

-Make other people feel like they are the most important thing to you at that moment - ask them questions and give them your full attention. It is one of the greatest services we can give.

-You learn to love doing something by doing it frequently.

-Leaving things to chance will not take us to our goals (Elder L. Tom Perry).

-Helaman 16:7-8 - True change requires desire, not just the fruits of desire (actions). This desire comes from faith. Faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). If you REALLY want to change, study the scriptures. Also, the Spirit is necessary for a change of heart and desires (Mosiah 5:2). reading the scriptures brings that Spirit. pray for faith, study scripture, and follow the Lord's teachings. Alma 32 describes how the seed is the word of God and it bears he fruit of faith. powerful scripture study, have a purpose for each session. Write it down. The Lord will guide you.

-If you want your service to be powerful, start by figuring out what people need, then fill those needs. It's much better than guessing and hodge-podge brownie deliveries.

-S T R E T C H    Y O U R S E L F

-Make it a habit to tell people nice things you think about them. We are constantly being whispered lies about ourselves. Be one of the angels who uplifts others! You never know who needs it and a kind word is never ill-spent.

-Pray for everything you need! Prayer is what brings you close to Heavenly Father. ALWAYS make time for Him! He loves you!

-We have addictions because we are trying to fill the void where Christ belongs. The only way we can fill it is through coming unto Christ (the iron rod and the tree of life). Keep pushing forward! To come unto Christ, immerse yourself in the scriptures.

-The only way to have real confidence is to forget yourself by serving others. You do that by making your mindset "How can I help you?" with every person you come in contact with.

-If you want your life to be good you must reach out to others. Learn their names, ask them questions, joke with them!

-What will you commit to become during this mortal life?

-Read the Ensign each month.

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