
1. “I was very shy in high school and did not take advantage of opportunities to enlarge and build my talents. I was afraid to try. … Don’t be afraid to try. Have confidence in yourself. You won’t succeed the first time on anything you do, but successive attempts will bring confidence and the development of new talents” (L. Tom Perry, “Sharing Family Heritage,” Ensign, Sept. 2006, 8)...Elder Perry was shy once? Well, that gives me hope that I can change too. :)

2. I am loving this principle of pushing myself little by little to a bigger comfort zone. I ran farther than I have before, today. It was good for me emotionally to just run it off. Today was a little rough...

3. ...until I went to FHE! So, at the end of my run I thought about one of my best friends. I met her at EFY and "randomly" ended up being her roommate a little while after that! She had changed between EFY and college, into someone who (in a good way) doesn't give a fig what other people think about her. I asked her how she did it and she said she just does crazy embarrassing things and people seem fine with it. haha. I don't know if I can be as bold as her...but I can start to overcome my social fears little by little. I tried tonight at FHE by seeing if I could just reach out and talk to one person. It happened to be the elders quorum president, who was super nice and consequently introduced me to like everyone else there! Tender mercy.

4. Dinner. Delicious.

5. Papa is here for a few days :D We're all under the same roof, at least for a little while!

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