
Alastair's tender mercy was finding a music-making app! He recorded two of his songs on it today.

My tender mercy was my scripture study today! And going to a baseball game for family home evening.

Mama's was Alastair being willing to give her a blessing.
"Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles linked preaching and healing together when he taught that gospel teaching has the potential to heal the soul: “This is what Matthew says: ‘And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people’ (Matthew 4:23; emphasis added). “Now, the teaching and the preaching we know and would expect. But we may not be quite as prepared to see healing in the same way. Yet from this earliest beginning, from the first hour, healing is mentioned almost as if it were a synonym for teaching and preaching. At least there is a clear relationship among the three. In fact, the passage that follows says more about the healing than the teaching or the preaching. . . .I believe our teaching can lead to healing of the spiritual kind. . . . As with the Master, wouldn’t it be wonderful to measure the success of our teaching by the healing that takes place in the lives of others?. . .Could we try a little harder to teach so powerfully and so spiritually that we really help that individual who walks alone, who lives alone, who weeps in the dark of the night?” (“Teaching, Preaching, Healing,” Ensign, Jan. 2003, 33–34, 37)." -New Testament Institute Manual, pg. 21


My tender mercy today included a really good quick insight from President Uchtdorf about not boasting in our good works, great insights from my bishop, and a really good fireside tonight from the authors of beautyredefined.net to help people (especially women) recognize that their bodies are tools for good, not just decorations.

Mama's was a powerful sacrament meeting focused on the power of the sacrament!

Aly Paly's was seeing one of his friends again.


My tender mercy was a great date today! We had lots of fun. :) I never would have expected to have gone on a date with this guy, but it was such a nice surprise! Also, this is small, but we spent part of the time at a batting cage and I was doing terribly...then I prayed for help to know how to actually hit the ball, and you know what? It totally worked. Heavenly Father knows everything--even how to hit a softball the right way. Prayers are answered!
I just had a really good insight during scripture study. I was reading in Helaman 5:24-25 about Nephi and Lehi being surrounded by fire in the prison. As I looked up the footnotes to the verses, I started to see a theme: if I am correct, visitations from the Lord are often accompanied by fire (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, Moses and the burning bush and the pillar of fire, Lehi's vision, the pillar of light in the First Vision, etc). I thought of the words "the Spirit of God like a fire is burning" from the hymn The Spirit of God. I realized that these verses show us what the Spirit does in our lives--when our lives are filled with the Spirit, we are spiritually protected. That is a simple truth, but it was amazing to make that connection during my studying. Also, the fire accompanied each of these people when they were conversing with the Lord. This painted a powerful image to me of the spiritual protection found in prayer. I have heard of the parable of the armor of God, but I like this parable of prayer as fire. It is so powerful!

P.S. I had a thought the other night...I want to start preparing to be a seminary teacher. The likelihood of it actually happening isn't very big, but at institute the other day, by a curious set of circumstances, I was led to think about being one some day. Either way, I feel like it would be a very powerful way to help me continue to progress spiritually and have something to work towards. One way I would like to prepare is by labeling all the quotes I put on here so that I can easily retrieve them later.


My tender mercy today was a SUPER GOOD scripture study! I just had a lot of really cool insights, about things like how character is formed one decision at a time and about living heart-to-heart, not just side-by-side. It was also a tender mercy that a guy from the ward invited me to an activity tomorrow! Hopefully he and I can become better friends--he seems like an awesome guy!

Mum's is that she got her eyes checked so that she can wear contacts and that she got to spend time with her children who are the best, yes we are, yes we are. haha

Alastair's is that he found out that his best friend Brigham just got called to serve in Bangkok, Thailand!


My tender mercy today is setting up a bedtime again! I was tired today. And I'm tired of being tired. So I'm going to change that. Also, getting back on the homework bandwagon is a tender mercy! The past few days have been out of the norm, which made it hard to get into my homework. I'm glad I have a routine again.


"I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
Which tells me prayer is always heard,
And will be answered, soon or late.
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessing sought
Will come in just the way I thought;
But leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own,
Assured that He will grant my quest,
Or send some answer far more blest."
-poem quoted by President Ezra Taft Benson in "Prayer"

"We learn from [Moses 3] that the spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. In a similar way, meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day—and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day. Just as the temporal creation was linked to and a continuation of the spiritual creation, so meaningful morning and evening prayers are linked to and are a continuation of each other." -Elder Bednar, "Pray Always"

Elder Bednar always has the most incredible insights--things I've never thought about before that he puts in a really practical, straightforward way. He helps me want to be more valiant.
I'm a tired little monkey tonight. So tired, in fact, that I can't even remember if I asked Mama what her tender mercy was today. I think I dreamed one up while I was half-awake, waiting for my friend to call so I could help him stay awake while he drove. I'm still not sure.

But MY tender mercy today was getting to spend my day with my mission dad. :) My favorite part was going to a pioneer reenactment place and seeing the beautiful view and feeling this surge of excitement because I GET TO GO TO NAUVOO THIS SUMMER! And I am so incredibly excited. It's unreal. :) But it's real. AHHHH

"Families Can Be Together Forever"

Man, the First Presidency message this month is so powerful! President Eyring had very good, practical insights about sealing families together.

"...we can with confidence aim for a heavenly standard in our relationships within our families. We can care enough about our family members, living and dead, to do all that we can to offer them the priesthood ordinances that will bind us in heaven..."

"From my office window I see brides and grooms every day having their pictures taken among beautiful flowers and shooting fountains. The groom often carries his bride in his arms, at least for a few staggering steps, while the photographer shoots wedding pictures. Every time I see that, I think of couples I have known who in time—sometimes in a very short time after their wedding day—had to carry each other in other ways when life became hard. Jobs can be lost. Children can be born with great challenges. Illness can come. And then, habits of having done unto others as we would have them do unto us—when it was easier—will make us heroes and heroines in those trying times when it takes more than we thought we had in us."

"We owe our families the kind of relationship we can take into the presence of God. We must try not to give offense or take offense. We can determine to forgive quickly and fully. We can try to seek the happiness of others above our own. We can be kind in our speech... The Savior, through the power of His Atonement, makes possible the change in our hearts we need to make in order to enter holy temples, make covenants we can then keep, and in time live in families forever in celestial glory— home again."

The applications I took away from this is to cultivate the habit of sacrifice and the Golden Rule now, so that I will be prepared to be more selfless in those trying times. I also want to do better at doing family history--right now, I do indexing, but I would like to  do my family's work more. I also want to work on preparing to be sealed to my husband by trying to be the best I can. It has helped me a lot to imagine what he is like. It helps me know what I need to change.


I have a tender mercy about tender mercies! I had the inspiration tonight...I want to do a better job at having family scripture study every night since I tend to forget...so I'm going to tag it onto this goal by making my tender mercy posts into family tender mercy posts. :D Yaaaay

So tonight, Mama and Aly's tender mercy was having a great guide at BYU who was super down-to-earth and friendly!

My tender mercy was from an insight I had--so often those insights are my tender mercies! Last semester, I realized the huge power behind thoughts and how we can change our reactions by changing our perceptions. One I tried out was thinking "It's not the end of the world" when something frustrating arose. I noticed that it made me a lot more laid back and that I smiled a lot more! I also tried that mindset out in a social setting by counteracting my "What if they judge me?" with an "It's not the end of the world!" I was a lot more outgoing with that mindset. So, Heavenly Father helped me to recollect that experience, and now I'm excited to try it out again! As I did so today, even though it was mostly just with my family, we laughed a lot more and I felt like myself. It was so rejuvenating!


My tender mercy was getting to spend time with my unofficial mission dad at Temple Square and watching Meet the Mormons with him. It is such a good movie! I love it so much. Also, FHE tonight was super fun. That seems to be a common theme...


My tender mercy today was making specific plans for how to overcome obstacles. It is exciting to me--I love the hope it brings! Also, I am getting back into the mindset of extending my comfort zone with my goals. :)


My biggest tender mercy of the day: ELDER SCHEUERMANN IS HOME FROM HIS MISSION! :D :D Ahhhh, I missed him so much. Our whole family is reunited again and we can all talk to each other whenever we want for the rest of our lives. :D

Another tender mercy was an insight I had about prayer--the purpose of prayer is to draw closer to Heavenly Father. I feel like it will transform my prayers and my relationship with Heavenly Father.


Okay okay, I have a few tender mercies today! Firstly, I love my iTunes library. It is my tender mercy. I downloaded a lot of the free songs offered on https://www.lds.org/youth/music and every time I hear an EFY song, it just takes me back to the sacred times I'd have growing up, studying the scriptures and good books in my room, surrounded by Mormonads and that EFY music. It was so heavenly and I miss the spirit in that room!

Secondly, I ran farther than I ever have today, which surprised me, because it was over two miles farther than I planned on running! And it is a tender mercy that it just felt good to run that far. A mindset that helped me keeping going was that my body feels most comfortable, most in its element, while I run. It feels so good to accomplish something, and it's a feeling I'd like to have more often. Self-worth never changes, but I believe that our self-esteem does change, based on our efforts--which is okay, because that fuels us on to good action and helps us feel fulfilled!

And finally, my biggest tender mercy is that my best friend/little brother gets home from his mission tomorrow! :D We all love him so much. He is so valiant and he put every drop of effort and passion into the Lord's work. We're going to have so much fun here!


My tender mercy today was having the best job shadow ever today! The occupational therapist was so nice. I also had more insight on how I can communicate better, which is a huge blessing! Today was great. Thanks Heavenly Father. :)


My tender mercy today was Heavenly Father leading me right to a place willing to take me for a job shadow! It's been kind of hard to find places that even answer the phone, let alone do shadowing! I have to have it done within two weeks, but I'll be a little busy with visitors coming soon, so it was also a tender mercy that they offered for me to come in tomorrow! Also, the woman I talked to said it was lucky that I even got a hold of them, because hardly anyone answers the number I called and she just happened to be there! It was cool to see that Heavenly Father answered my prayer. It always serves as a reminder to me that He's aware and still directing my life.


So, I'm going to *slightly* alter my gratitude journal idea into more of a tender mercy journal, just because I feel like it helps me recognize specific instances of Heavenly Father's hand in my life more easily.

SO, my tender mercy today was GETTING TO MEET MY NIECE! :D It was so incredible. I can't believe she's here. She is so perfect and peaceful. I can't wait for her to come home!

It was also a huge tender mercy to hear from my brother. He is such a good boy--one of the best I know. He is my best friend. <3>


1. I'm grateful to have Mr. G in my life--he is such a powerful, hard-working man. :)

2. My tender mercy of the day was hearing from Elder Scheuermann, my dear boy.

3. Baby is finally coming! Hopefully by tomorrow morning we will get to see her. YAYAYAYAYAY, it's hard to even believe it's real!

4. Greek food today=delicious

5. FHE was fun tonight--again, everyone is super nice. Bless them :')


1. I was led to some quotes from President Hinckley, and one of my favorite ones was this: “Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.” I love the first part, because it puts the power in our hands. We have the power to cultivate that happiness and optimism as much as we have the power to cultivate a garden! I keep going back to the example of my mission president and his wife. They are such examples to me of modern-day Moronis--always doing the next thing to help them progress!

2. I needed guidance on what to share with Elder Scheuermann in my email, and I was seriously led right to the PERFECT Ensign article!

3. I feel like I'm starting to get to know people at church better and that I have a little group that I gravitate towards, which is so nice. I love this ward! Everyone is so cool!

4. I'm grateful for how supportive and loving my family is. We lift each other up.

5. I'm grateful to be getting back into my goals. They're super important!


1. I'm grateful for the guidance Heavenly Father has given me in very specific ways! He is so aware of me and guides me step by step.

2. I got quite a bit of homework done today and it felt great. :)

3. I have felt guided to a new routine that should help me be more productive, hopefully!

4. I love my family. :)

5. I <3 p="" summertime="">
6. Baby's most likely coming today or tomorrow! :D :D :D She's almost here!


1. Tri-stake temple trip! We had a chapel session beforehand, which I had never done in the Salt Lake temple (or knew about!) before. It was powerful to be surrounded by so many strong young single adults! I feel like it was Heavenly Father's way of telling me that there are plenty of young single adults out there--sometimes I feel like they're all hiding. But now I know where...the temple!

2. I got to do sealings while I was there, and I felt inspiration and motivation pouring in on me the whole time about how I can progress. I loved it!

3. Institute today was so good as well--my favorite part was the teacher talking about how Moroni was constantly making bigger and better fortifications. The war chapters are some of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon because I feel like they're so applicable to how we can protect ourselves against the adversary. The question I've had lately is how I can keep my focus when I'm trying to live a certain principle. It seems really strong for the first few days, and then I lose steam. So, my teacher's insight that Moroni was always moving upwards seems to be the answer. There is no plateau. I need to be constantly striving to find the next thing that will help me be strong. My mission president and his wife are the ultimate example to me in this--they would always give us practical invitations for the work, and they would always be progressing themselves. For example, my mission president's wife decided she wanted to work on becoming more diligent and having more self-discipline, so she decided to stop eating chocolate. My mission president reads books that the General Authorities write. I love little practical suggestions like that--small and simple things.

4. And that small and simple idea today is to use my driving time to memorize the Primary songs! I've felt like the radio has gotten kind of bad, so this was the answer Heavenly Father gave me. It's perfect, because one of my goals is to memorize the Primary songs so I can sing them to my kids.

5. And the fifth way I saw Heavenly Father's hand today...I still feel like it's just a huge tender mercy that I get to live with Neil and Boo Boo. They make my summer way more fun than I could. :D


"With merciless fury Satan's forces must have attacked the Savior on all fronts [during the Atonement]--frantically, diabolically, seeking a vulnerable spot, a weakness, and Achilles' heel through which they might inflict a 'mortal' wound, all in hopes they could halt the impending charge, but it was not to be. The Savior pressed forward in bold assault until every prisoner was freed from the tenacious tentacles of the Evil One. This was  rescue mission of infinite implications." ("The Infinite Atonement," Elder Tad R. Callister, pg. 130)

I hadn't given much thought to the fact that the adversary and all his minions must have been putting forth their greatest efforts during the most crucial moment in the history of time. They were desperate for the Lord to fail, for if He did, all mankind was lost and would be under their dominion. In doesn't say any of this doctrinally, but to me it makes so much sense that the adversary put forth his fullest effort during the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane. Another quote I loved from "The Infinite Atonement" is where it mentions that the Savior didn't just weather the suffering or make a "fist-clenching 'taking of the stripes.' It must have been more than a defensive 'holding of the fort' or raising of the shield to ward off the fiery darts of the Evil One. Part of the Savior's atoning quest must have included an element of conquering, an offensive struggle of sorts...This part of the battle may have necessitated an invasion of Satan's turf, perhaps even an intrepid trespass into the dark abyss of the Devil's domain." (pg. 129) Such a powerful thought!


I am super excited about my upcoming project...I am going to read "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis (a fictional book of letters between a seasoned demon and a demon-in-training) AND also "The Enoch Letters" by Elder Neal A. Maxwell (also a fictional book of letters between angels...if I'm correct.) I'm doing so because I want to be more aware of how the adversary seeks to get to me. I don't want to dwell on it, but I also don't want to be completely unaware. So, to start off, here is a quote from "The Screwtape Letters": "There is nothing like suspense and anxiety for barricading a human's mind against [God]. He wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them."


1. “I was very shy in high school and did not take advantage of opportunities to enlarge and build my talents. I was afraid to try. … Don’t be afraid to try. Have confidence in yourself. You won’t succeed the first time on anything you do, but successive attempts will bring confidence and the development of new talents” (L. Tom Perry, “Sharing Family Heritage,” Ensign, Sept. 2006, 8)...Elder Perry was shy once? Well, that gives me hope that I can change too. :)

2. I am loving this principle of pushing myself little by little to a bigger comfort zone. I ran farther than I have before, today. It was good for me emotionally to just run it off. Today was a little rough...

3. ...until I went to FHE! So, at the end of my run I thought about one of my best friends. I met her at EFY and "randomly" ended up being her roommate a little while after that! She had changed between EFY and college, into someone who (in a good way) doesn't give a fig what other people think about her. I asked her how she did it and she said she just does crazy embarrassing things and people seem fine with it. haha. I don't know if I can be as bold as her...but I can start to overcome my social fears little by little. I tried tonight at FHE by seeing if I could just reach out and talk to one person. It happened to be the elders quorum president, who was super nice and consequently introduced me to like everyone else there! Tender mercy.

4. Dinner. Delicious.

5. Papa is here for a few days :D We're all under the same roof, at least for a little while!
1. I got asked on a date by at church today! Tender mercy, since I've been praying to make some good friends here. I think (besides SVU) he is the first guy I'll have gone on a date with who I didn't know before my mission. We're going salsa dancing this weekend...arriba!

2. So, with the memories of "Unbroken" still in my mind from last night, church had a whole new meaning for me today. Our first lesson was about knowing that the Lord hasn't forgotten us, and it definitely made me think about "Unbroken" and how hard it must have been to not feel unforgotten through all those trials. But those good men did it!

3. Mama rubbed my sore legs with Pain-a-trate and it hurt so good. I am spolt! (Okie for "spoiled")

4. This meme:

5. I got to watch Face to Face with Elder and Sister Bednar and it was SO GOOD. It seriously made my whole Sunday and helped me feel like I had a successful Sabbath. Here's a powerful quote from it: "Would the Lord send one of the Twelve Apostles halfway around the world to help just one person? The answer is yes, He does it all the time." Elder Bednar always has new insights and I love that! And Sister Bednar is just as much his spiritual equal.


1. I saw a sister from my mission today!! It was such a nice surprise. :D

2. Today's workout was in tents! Figuratively! My first leg day. I could hardly walk up the stairs afterwards...so I can imagine the pain will be quite acute tomorrow. haha

3. I'm wearing my cat mumu (or as I call it, my mew-mew) for the first time :D I'm going to wear it to Walmart. Yeeeeeeeaaaaah. :D

4. Stuart Edge, I am in love with you. And everything you do. You are an inspiration to me! His goal is to make people smile. And he succeeds! And he also achieves the goal of making me want to marry him!

5. That sunset tho :)

6. We just finished watching Unbroken and it was SO POWERFUL. Such a powerful movie. The title says it all. I am just always amazed at the goodness of people--it was exemplified by the ability of the inspiration for the movie, WWII prisoner of war Louis Zamperini, to forgive everyone. Not only that, but the very end of the movie had a hopeful song from Coldplay, "Miracles." Such a perfect way to finish it.

"Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence"

Because the talk "Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence" by Elder Holland is so powerful, I wanted to add some of the quotes!

"There is a lesson in the Prophet Joseph Smith’s account of the First Vision which virtually every Latter-day Saint has had occasion to experience, or one day soon will. It is the plain and very sobering truth that before great moments, certainly before great spiritual moments,there can come adversity, opposition, and darkness. Life has some of those moments for us, and occasionally they come just as we are approaching an important decision or a significant step in our lives."

"This is a lesson in the parlance of the athletic contest that reminds us 'it isn’t over until it’s over.' It is the reminder that the fight goes on. Unfortunately we must not think Satan is defeated with that first strong breakthrough which so dramatically brought the light and moved us forward...Don’t let your guard down. Don’t assume that a great revelation, some marvelous, illuminating moment, the opening of an inspired path, is the end of it. Remember, it isn’t over until it’s over."

"I wish to encourage every one of us regarding the opposition that so often comes after enlightened decisions have been made, after moments of revelation and conviction have given us a peace and an assurance we thought we would never lose...The reminder is that we cannot sign on for a battle of such eternal significance and everlasting consequence without knowing it will be a fight—a good fight and a winning fight, but a fight nevertheless."

"With any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, but once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly don’t give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your doubts. Master your fears. 'Cast not away therefore your confidence.' Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you."

"Some days we will be miraculously led out of Egypt—seemingly free, seemingly on our way—only to come to yet another confrontation, like all that water lying before us. At those times we must resist the temptation to panic and give up. At those times fear will be the strongest of the adversary’s weapons against us."

"After you have gotten the message, after you have paid the price to feel His love and hear the word of the Lord, go forward. Don’t fear, don’t vacillate, don’t quibble, don’t whine. You may, like Alma going to Ammonihah, have to find a route that leads an unusual way, but that is exactly what the Lord is doing here for the children of Israel. Nobody had ever crossed the Red Sea this way, but so what? There’s always a first time. With the spirit of revelation, dismiss your fears and wade in with both feet. In the words of Joseph Smith, 'Brethren [and sisters], shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on,on to the victory!'"

"...along with the illuminating revelation that points us toward a righteous purpose or duty, God will also provide the means and power to achieve that purpose. Trust in that eternal truth. If God has told you something is right, if something is indeed true for you, He will provide the way for you to accomplish it. That is true of joining the Church or raising a family, of going on a mission, or anyone of a hundred other worthy tasks in life."

"'Fear ye not.' And when the second and third and fourth blows come, 'fear ye not. … The Lord shall fight for you.' Cast not away therefore your confidence."

Some of My Favorite Talks of All Time

"Cast Not Away Therefore Thy Confidence" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland--this one is super powerful in helping us follow through on promptings and realize where our doubts come in hard times. This talk helped me to follow through on my decision to go to SVU. It was a pillar of strength for me and has incredible quotes! For example, "Beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now."

"How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life" by Elder Richard G. Scott--I love how practical this talk is.

"When Shall These Things Be?" by Elder M. Russell Ballard--We read part of this talk in my institute class. I love it because it talks about how we can overcome doubts the adversary gives us.

"Do What is Right" by Elder Richard G. Scott--This talk helped me to be strong through a hard time in my life. It talks about dating and friendship.

"Stay by the Tree" by Elder Kevin W. Pearson--I love this talk! It is about being valiant, not lukewarm. It makes me want to be better every time I listen to it.

"Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence" by Elder Jorg Klebingat--This talk is also super powerful and practical! It's about how we can feel prepared for a personal interview with Heavenly Father now, not "someday."

"How Can I Become the Woman of Whom I Dream?" by President Gordon B. Hinckley--This one is just a classic.

"The Pathway of Discipleship" by Elder Neal A. Maxwell--Elder Maxwell has a way of phrasing things so powerfully and pushing me on to action!


Extend this mindset of constant spiritual improvement to your future family--be always working with them to all become stronger! Like the Greenman family. :)
1. "Surprising Facts About Happy People" Mormon Channel Daily episode--this is my tender mercy of the day! It mentions surrounding yourself with happy people, getting enough sleep, having deep conversations with others, and spending more money on others than on yourself. Also, listening to uplifting music can be as effective as massage therapy in reducing stress. Not eating healthy can contribute to depression. Being outside instead of always on the computer helps. Laughter releases neurotransmitters. And my favorite: happy people make an effort to be happy. If they have an unhappy thought, they replace it with something happy. And lastly, true happiness only comes from making others happy. I love that!

2. This website is so good! It helps you understand what life is like for those with autism, Down Syndrome, cancer, etc. I'm going to show them to my kids someday. :)

3. The temple was so good today! The Salt Lake temple is beautiful and there's just a powerful spirit about Temple Square.

4. My paper wasn't as daunting today! Somehow, it's becoming not as hard...thanks to Heavenly Father, no doubt!

5. Neil and Bethany have fun friends. I like them. :D

6. I've been trying to write my prayers down, which I like because it helps me to focus, plus I think it will help me see when my prayers have been answered.

7. There is now an "Aspire to Something Higher" Mormonad in my room...and I have to look up to see it, which adds a nice effect! It's perfect, because that's exactly what my focus is right now!


1. I had the best scripture study I've had in a long time this morning! My biggest tender mercy of the day actually happened late last night. I was lying in bed and wasn't really sure if I should have counted myself as studying the scriptures for a long enough time...after I wrestled over it for a minute I decided to study the scriptures for just a few more minutes. I am SO GLAD I did, because it prompted me to strive to be more valiant. I realized that I need push myself spiritually more, and all of a sudden I had a ton of ideas of ways that I can strengthen myself spiritually. One that I'm most excited about is longer scripture studies. During the school year it was hard to do more than just the "bare minimum," but I realized that I have still been living in that mindset even though I have more time now!

2. Another inspiration that came to me was that I wasn't signed up for institute! For some reason I had mistakenly thought that institute choir (which I still haven't been able to go to because of activities that pop up) counted as institute...so I found an institute class and went to it today! It was the best institute class I've had in a long time! Everything was so powerful. The teacher had a humble, quiet (but still confident and powerful) personality, which I loved, because there was a lot of space for the Spirit to speak. I have missed youuuuuu institute!

3. I was studying about Down Syndrome for my psychology class today and came across this incredible blog from the mother of a girl who has Down Syndrome! She wrote a post all about what it was like to find out that her daughter had Down Syndrome, and it made me so emotionalllll. I was crying hardddd. So good!

4. My TRAX ride today was fun :D

5. I ran 3.5 miles today! That's farther than I've ever run before, I think...I felt really good afterwards!

6. Mama and I made it to the temple tonight by the skin of our teeth (figuratively) right before it closed. It felt so good to be there.

7. Mama and I also got to see Par-Par tonight. He's great. :D
"Each of us faces the time when the powers of reason come in direct conflict with faith. All the logic, all the understanding of men may swell in unison, and there alone, in opposition, stands faith--unalterable, unassailable, immovable--the anchor to our souls. The tides of trial can come, the ocean waves of worldly reason pound against our souls, the current and popular trends tug with all their mighty sway, but there unmoved, unfazed, unharmed is the soul that is anchored by faith." --Elder Tad R. Callister, The Infinite Atonement, pg. 110


1. Stuart Edge videos...so great. Seriously, he is great! I just love to watch how he interacts with people! It gives me better insight into how the Savior treats people. Yaaay good guys, we love you :D

2. I went to Mama's book show tonight and it was all really interesting! It emphasized to me how important it will be to read to my children. It makes such a huge difference!

3. I feel like I'm starting to get into the nitty-gritty with my classes more now. I like to really feel like I'm learning something new!

4. I'm grateful to know that Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need to do next. I don't have to frantically try to do everything or guess what is best--He can give me a non-overwhelming step-by-step tutorial, if I'll listen.

5. Speaking of listening, on my uber-long walk a few days ago, I was thinking of when I feel closest to Heavenly Father, and I realized that it's when I feel like my prayers are a conversation, not just leaving a message. I've been trying to do that more lately.

6. I'm grateful that Neil and I have become workout buddies, because it's good bonding time! He protested when I had to go to the book show instead of the gym with him today. haha. I've realized lately how important it is to bond with people through shared activities or hobbies. Insights are my tender mercies so much of the time! I am so grateful for them--they excite me!
"Elder Neal A. Maxwell helped us better understand a cause of murmuring: “In a happy day ahead, ‘They that murmured shall learn doctrine’ (Isaiah 29:24; 2 Nephi 27:35). This suggests that doctrinal illiteracy is a significant cause of murmuring among Church members” (“A Choice Seer,” in Brigham Young University 1985–86 Devotional and Fireside Speeches [1986], 115)." -Book of Mormon Institute Manual, pg. 258
"Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that parents can only give what they themselves already have: 'When a parent’s teaching and helping job is done well and when there are receptive children to receive the message, then we encounter those marvelous situations such as the one involving young men in the Book of Mormon who had been taught so well by their mothers [Alma 56:47–48]. . . .The reliance, of course, by these young men on their mothers is touching and profound, but the mothers first had to know ‘it’ in such a way that the young men, observing them closely and hearing them (as is always the case with children observing parents), did ‘not doubt’ that their mothers knew that ‘it’ was true' (That My Family Should Partake [1974], 58–59)." -Book of Mormon Institute Manual

“That word true implies commitment, integrity, endurance, and courage. It reminds us of the Book of Mormon’s description of the 2,000 young warriors: [Alma 53:20–21.] In the spirit of that description I say to our returned missionaries—men and women who have made covenants to serve the Lord and who have already served Him in the great work of proclaiming the gospel and perfecting the Saints—are you being true to the faith? Do you have the faith and continuing commitment to demonstrate the principles of the gospel in your own lives, consistently? You have served well, but do you, like the pioneers, have the courage and the consistency to be true to the faith and to endure to the end?” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, in Conference Report, Oct. 1997, 101–2; or Ensign, Nov. 1997, 73; italics added) -Book of Mormon Institute Manual


1. I got all my homework done today! :D Tender mercy! I tried to adopt the mindset that I was choosing to do the assignment instead of HAVING to do it, and that made things go by a lot more easily.

2. I did an occupational therapy job shadow today and my mentor was super nice and gracious. BLESS HER. Also, big relief to have that done long before it's due.

3. I bought chickpeas today! I love chickpeas! (Also, I realized that they kind of look the head of a chick...which makes me feel bad when I eat them) #IStillEatThem

4. Mama and I had fun today. :D We went through the self-checkout and the system didn't like that the lemon we put in the bagging area changed the weight of everything. We had to wait almost five minutes before the attendant was available to help us. We laughed. We cried. (not true) We vowed to let someone else ring up our groceries from now on. Also, we danced in the car to a fun song! (literally...it was by FUN) And we loved it. :D And it reminded us of Parker...

5. ...who is getting to the airport tonight! And we're going to hang out! And I'll still be in his friend zone! And he'll still be in mine. And we'll still be friends...forever. :D (Friends who shove cake into each other's faces and then SOMEONE wipes his off while the OTHER person sits there with cake on her face long after, looking a fool...I won't name names...you know who you are)

6. They have jump ropes at the gym! I jumped rope...at the gym! I became a (humble) jump rope pro on my mission, so it was good to get back into it! Definitely a good workout. PLUS, Neil's friend mentioned eccentric weight-training...which is a whole new ball game. It's where you basically slowly lower (instead of raise) the weights against gravity, and then have your partner raise it for you. It's hard stuff!

Today was great. :D


1. I had a good run today! I had the thought the other day that I should challenge myself in running more, and in every area! (18 July 2015 update: It has been one of the most important, progressive insights I've had in my life. I still do it, six weeks later, and I have seen more progress in my life than I ever have before.) So I've been pushing myself and it's been exciting to push my comfort zone further! Also, *several* bugs flew in my mouth on my run AND I fell down...which means I am now an official runner #nobodysaw #right? #totally

2. I went to my ward's FHE tonight and met some great people! It was a tender mercy because it can be awkward not knowing anyone. Luckily Heavenly Father led me right to a table with nice people. They didn't even call me names or stop me from playing reindeer games!

3. I dressed up like I was from the fifties today...it's fun :D

4. I had some inspiration about how I can be better today--it kind of went along with #1, about pushing my limits. For example, I can try to go a whole conversation and try to not talk about myself once, or I can try to say hello to everyone person I pass on my run, etc. I love it!

5. Tomorrow is Baby Boo's due date! I don't think she'll be ready to come tomorrow, but...it's still exciting that it's here!!

6. This gratitude journal is my tender mercy--I realized it gives me a place to express myself. I love that :)