
Tender mercies...
1. As I had been thinking about the validity of spiritual creation, one of the talks that popped on to my iPod during my run was by Elder Bednar, about how Heavenly Father creates everything spiritually before physically! So it reaffirmed me. :)
2. I have come to cherish the time before I fall asleep as my spiritual creation time. Or maybe my awake dreaming, as opposed to my asleep dreaming. It's been so great! I've realized that I need to dream more often so I can know where I'm going! For example, I realized that my dream job (before my career) would probably be as an occupational therapy aide in a retirement center. I think those thoughts became part of my subconscious as well, as I dreamed about working. (Also, have I been writing more British-ly lately? I feel like I have. Indubitably, Watson.)
3. I had a great time reading Doodah's life story with him. So interesting!
4. My grandparents had a visitor stay last night and it was fun to have someone else here. The more the merrier!
5. I finally got to go on a run! It was beautiful. So nice to be in the countryside.
6. One of my favorite tender mercies was the thought that I should try to do at least 15 minutes of non-urgent homework before I do the urgent homework for the day. That way, hopefully, I can actually get ahead in my classes instead of just getting by.
7. I got to call Parker and Roger last night. Two of my closest friends. :) It was great to get in contact with them again after a week. Usually it's about every day!

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