
I was studying about how quickly we forget the Lord, and I realized that I have fallen into that trap. It's really easy to do when things are going well! President Eyring put it really well:
"Dependence upon God can fade quickly when prayers are answered. And when the trouble lessens, so do the prayers. The Book of Mormon repeats that sad story over and over again”

I realized that I need to take time to recognize the Lord's hand, especially when things are going well. Hopefully I can come to understand how important it is to do it every day and make a way to make it happen.

I definitely saw the Lord's hand yesterday, as I miraculously made it on time to the airport (which was actually the day before, but traveling and time zones confuse me, so I'll just consider all my flights one day) and somehow ended up getting all the right trains to my grandparents' house. :) I woke up with only a little bit of time to throw everything together, but it all worked and Aly was able to give me a ride (even though I did not plan at all). I got a flight to Atlanta--probably one of the last seats, as it was standby. I got to my connecting flight to England JUST in time (they were calling for final boarding, even though I thought I had more time). I got to sit next to some fun people who became like my traveling parents for the trip. I think one of the biggest tender mercies was having the sudden inspiration about what it takes to love yourself. I realized that it's impossible to love your life when you don't love yourself. It is required for happiness. You just have to hush the voice inside your mind that constantly tells you that you're not enough. That can be quite a task, which is why I need to pray. Once I got to England, I got through customs quicker than I ever have. My next obstacle was getting the right trains. My credit card was denied because I was out of the country and there wasn't anywhere to pay cash, but there was a nice Russian lady having the same problem and we were able to help each other find a place. For the short window of time on one train, they had free WiFi, which allowed me to unlock my credit card, which turned out to be necessary for the next trains, as I didn't have enough in cash to buy the next tickets. I'm sure if I had needed to, there would have been another way of exchanging dollars for pounds or getting a different kind of ticket or if I really needed, to ask a kindly stranger for the four extra pounds I lacked, but I'm grateful that Heavenly Father let me have that experience so that I could recognize that He was helping me. And now I'm in England! Everything worked out. It was less than a week ago that I felt that now was the time to come, and everything worked out, even when I didn't think it would. It was also a blessing that I wasn't as stressed about it as I could have been.

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