
Welp bloggy, here I am, almost 12 hours later...perhaps at the same gate I started off at this morning. I NEED TO GET BACK!! I'm on standby, so I can't complain. I will tell you--never try to travel from Europe in August. DO YOU HEAR ME--because then, if you don't, I might be able to actually get back. :) Seriously, today has been crazy--it was a wise move to wear my running shoes today. The thing I realized last night was SUPER IMPORTANT--I need to have respect when I talk to myself and know that no matter what other people think of me, I still love myself and I'm rooting for myself. I was nice to myself today and I was totally different because of it--freed. And last night, before I went to bed, I told myself "I love you." And it was incredible. I finally felt like I wasn't on the defensive, because I didn't have to worry about a voice in the back of my mind criticizing me. I let myself reach out to others because I wasn't afraid of them declaring that I don't have any worth, or maybe even more, myself thinking they were thinking that. It was liberating. I'm pretty tired now, but HOPEFULLY I get on this flight! PLEASE! Also, I have this theory that how people speak to those they feel most comfortable around is a mirror of how they speak to themselves. I think it's pretty accurate--as do most people with theories. :)

Update: I made it on! TENDER MERCY! I was tearing up on the way to the plane, and I didn't want to believe it until the plane was off the ground. I think once I was on the plane I even had a vague dream about not actually making it on. haha. But I'm here! On US soil!


  1. And she DID make it on!! Miracle of the day! I have been so proud of you, Suzy, and how you have taken the challenges of today in your stride. You have a serenity that others wish they had. You are a model to me of this and many other priceless attributes. We all love you. I am glad you are truly beginning to love yourself as you truly should.

  2. I zhu :D Did you put this post on Facebook or something? It had like 15 views!
