
Random Nutrition Facts

I am interested in nutrition, and I try to keep track of the little facts I've found, so I figured that I'd share them on here! They may be true or false, but I'll believe it!

-Potato chips have more potassium than a banana. Thus, they would be more helpful for muscle cramps than a banana! Also, apparently avocados have twice as much potassium as bananas.
-Broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange. Tomatoes and broccoli are also a good source of vitamin C. Broccoli also has more calcium than milk and is more easily absorbed.
-Also, I've heard that once you've got a cold, vitamin C doesn't do much. You've got to have it before the virus comes for it to be helpful. So, once you're sick, just try to eat healthy so that your body's natural immune response has an easier time!
-Honey has all the nutrients necessary to sustain life.
-Dairy, sugar, wheat, soy, and even peanut butter can all allegedly make your complexion worse. I definitely know that dairy really does affect (at least my) complexion. There is a direct correlation between the two and I always see the effects really quickly.
-Sugar is addictive--the more you eat it, the more you want to eat. Your brain can become dependent on it for the chemicals it transmits. Also, apparently it can have the same effect on your liver as alcohol. It's important to keep it out of sight and out of mind! Eliminate temptation. I gave up treats for a few months and whenever I have them now they just don't taste as good as fruit! So, lasting chance is possible!
-Water...tastes way better out of a glass bottle, in my opinion. Plus, you don't have to worry about the plastic getting hot.
-I think...the American diet is terrible. Empty calories. That's it. My plan is to have most of my family's meals be Ethiopian food, Thai food, Hispanic food, etc.
-Lemon water is good for balancing your pH level. Sugar and meats put your body in a more acidic state.
-Tomatoes and berries can possibly help against cancer. Food plays a huge role in health! ("Let food be thy medicine." -Hippocrates)
-Protein is more difficult to absorb from meat than from other sources.
-Apparently onions help to detoxify the body.
-Garlic can help to fit against a sore throat/cold. If you mix it with apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper (diluted) and gargle it...it will hurt. But apparently it helps. haha
-Okay, this is just a life hack--if you've just cut onions, rub your hands against a metal spoon under cold running water and the spoon will absorb the smell! Really!
-My favorite life hack--to get the pit out of the avocado, just quickly put the knife into the pit and twist it out. It's so fun :D (safety first)

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