
1. I had really good insights about creating my vision yesterday. I need to ask myself questions that help me fill in the details about my goals. That makes for powerful planning!

2. Man, this article is SO GOOD! Every time I hear it I get something new out of it!

3. A note in my scriptures reminded me that one way out of spiritual sloughs is to pray sincerely, even if that prayer is only "I really don't want to do this. Please help me to not feel that way."

4. I've got good friends! Great friends!

5. Mama's so good to me, even when I'm distraught and grumpy because I'm the most indecisive person in the world. She is endlessly kind. love love

6. I asked her tonight what she thinks Heavenly Father's character is. For some reason, it has been difficult for me to understand His true character. She gave me the perfect example of an older man we know who helps her see who Heavenly Father is--everything good.

7. This awesome quote: "To those who feel defeated and downtrodden, look to the early hours of the day for your rescue." (Elder Russell M. Nelson)

8. And this fact about grades--the later we wake up, the worse our GPAs get. (from this article)

9. The article also explains that the commandment to go to bed early is a simple command--so simple that we might dismiss it, like the children of Israel when they were bitten by snakes.

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