

I had an amazing experience tonight! I was in a weird mood (I took a DEEP nap today so I felt like today was two separate days and then I took a long walk later on and it was like a weird alternate paradigm shift...and then I ate a banana with peanut butter and honey...and several hours later I started typing on here...#unnecessarydetails #thebananawasdelicious #thenapwasdelicious #thewalkwaslong) and Heavenly Father snapped me out of it during scripture study! I prayed to be guided to what I needed and I opened up to Alma 37--one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon! Verse 6 says "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass". I started thinking about small and simple things I can start doing and asked Mama for advice. She mentioned keeping a gratitude journal! It is feels exactly right. I was wondering if I should keep it private or put it on here...and this tab was the first thing that popped up...so I'm going to take that as a sign! Maybe someday it will help someone. :) OKAY LET'S DO THIS THING

1. the inspiration to start this gratitude journal--Heavenly Father answers prayers! And I never need to worry about if I will be able to understand the message. Since He knows everything, He also knows how to make sure I get the message...regardless of my frailties. :)

2. I received so many insights during my study. I've started to study by trying to look up all the footnotes for the verses, and I found some excellent verses from the Bible! One of my favorites from today: 1 Chronicles 16:8--"Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people." In other words, tell other people about the tender mercies in your life! In other words, keep a gratitude journal! I love this insight.

3. Neil and Bethany are the besttt...they are so accommodating to Mama and me and don't even complain when we stay up til all hours of the night blaring our rock and roll. (just kidding we don't do that) Seriously though, they always make us feel so welcome. They're so good to ussssss *tears*

4. I got to see people from SVU today! #reunion #actuallyfarewell #farewellreunion

5. Did I mention that I have the best mama in the world? #SheLovesRockAndRoll #JustKiddingSheLovesEnya I don't know why I am so blessed to have her as my mama. She and Papa Hoo take care of my every need. Most importantly, she showers me (and everyone) with affection. That is probably the most important thing she could give. One of my deepest desires is to have that attribute. And she is a great example for me to model my life after!

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