
31 May Church

Today I went to my old roommate's farewell. First of all, can I just say that she is a huge example to me? I learned so much from her this last semester. She is constantly trying to improve. For example, she and her sister would choose one goal and work on it for a month. She has felt a little attacked by the adversary in preparation for her mission, and instead of just letting it happen, she made up a plan of things she would do every day to strengthen herself.

So, here are some highlights from church:

-Missionary work is a lifestyle.

-“It is one thing to know about God and another to know him. We know about him when we learn that he is a personal being in whose image man is created; when we learn that the Son is in the express image of his Father’s person; when we learn that both the Father and the Son possess certain [specific] attributes and powers. But we know them, in the sense of gaining eternal life, when we enjoy and experience the same things they do. To know God is to think what he thinks, to feel what he feels, to have the power he possesses, to comprehend the truths he understands, and to do what he does. Those who know God become like him, and have his kind of life, which is eternal life.” -Elder Wirthlin, quoting Elder McConkie

-An idea was posed that when we ignore the Spirit, He doesn't automatically return just through the passage of time, but once we repent of what we've done.

-Our covenants are like marriage--we make the promises out of a natural result of love. We need to not only make covenants, but to be faithful to them throughout our lives, just as we would be faithful to our spouses throughout life. I really love that insight--it helps me to understand the different dimensions of covenants.

-Find good examples of valiant men and women whose specific actions you can emulate. Read President Monson's biography.

-"If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?" (Elder Perry) I love Elder Perry. He passed away yesterday. He was, and still is, an incredible man. He was 92 years old, but still full of life and optimism! One of my favorite talks from him was when he came to BYU-Idaho. He talked about the power of traditions in our families. He likened them to the beams in a home. I have always remembered that!

-If you are struggling to love someone, imagine him or her as if he or she was the Savior.

-A home teacher's or visiting teacher's responsibilities include praying together as a companionship and discussing the individual's needs. Home teachers and visiting teachers are the "bishop's arm"--with congregations sometimes as large as 300+ people, there is no way the bishop could check up on each family each month. We are undershepherds for the Lord.

-"We could have 100 percent home teaching and not be effective in what we're trying to accomplish." Always keep your purpose in mind--what is the purpose of home teaching?

-Pray for those you visit teach every day.

-We need to rely on the Spirit in our callings, especially home teaching and visiting teaching.

-We watched this video at the very end of church and it was so powerful! It brings tears to my eyes to see these burly men tenderly caring for a sister in need. Like Sister Burton said, "A husband is never more attractive to his wife than when he is serving … as a worthy priesthood holder."
Ahh! I watched it again and now I'm crying again! Mormon Messages, how do you do it every time! haha. I loved the last quote in there, and it's so true: "the more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. … We become more substantive as we serve others—indeed, it is easier to ‘find’ ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!” -Elder Christofferson, quoting President Kimball

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