
Alma 38:4--”For I know that thou wast in bonds; yea, and I also know that thou wast stoned for the word's sake; and thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee.”--This is super important for me to remember. I often wonder how the early disciples did it. Peter and Paul faced such hardships. How did they do it? What allowed them to give up their natural man inclinations for comfort, for relief? I think a part of it was that their hardest trials weren't the first time that they had sacrificed for the Lord. They had done so in all the small moments, and that strengthened them for the harder trials. But also, it was because of the same reason that Shiblon did--the Lord was with them. The Lord is always with us in suffering. In fact, He was there first. I hope that in my trials, I will be immovable in my loyalty to the Savior.

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