
17 May Church

-Missionary work is specifically tailored to each person--it is not one-size-fits-all. It takes the Spirit to know how and who to reach out to.

-We talked about the power of the Book of Mormon tonight. We watched this powerful video from Elder Holland about the Book of Mormon. He is the lion of the Lord, I've decided! He is so powerful in how he says things. If anyone doubts, I wish I could send them Elder Holland! "I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true." That quote sent shivers up my spine, realizing that he was literally bearing his powerful testimony to the entire world because of General Conference.

-"God always provides safety for the soul [powerful affirmation we can tell ourselves in times of trial], and with the Book of Mormon, He has again done that in our time. Remember this declaration by Jesus Himself: 'Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived' —and in the last days neither your heart nor your faith will fail you." -Elder Holland

-We also talked about how sometimes we make assumptions about who wants to hear the gospel. One mindset I tried on my mission sometimes was to find out what the person was really like and prove my assumption wrong. It was fun. :D

-The teacher challenged us to read the Book of Mormon again by the end of the year!

-Church is an opportunity to help build Heavenly Father's kingdom by the comments you share. I realized that the only way to build Heavenly Father's kingdom is by following promptings. That is how He will guide me to do so.

-We talked about the rich young man who Christ asked to give away all his riches in Mark 10 and I thought about Abrahamic sacrifice. We will all have to make our own Abrahamic sacrifices. We will one day meet Abraham.

-For the rich young man, the biggest sacrifice was to give up his riches. However, this lesson can apply to all of us. The real question is, which things would I have a hard time giving up? Which things do I put above Heavenly Father?

-One brother shared a story about a man who doubled his fast offering contributions every year for three years and the miracles that came from that.

-"Make the exercise of your faith your first priority." -Elder Richard G. Scott

-"Let the Spirit teach you today. Read [the scriptures]."

-I remembered that one elder spoke about a forty-day challenge. He said to find one small thing that keeps you from having the Spirit, and overcome it. For example, for him on his mission, it was writing in his journal.

-Hopefully I got this quote right: "No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelation." (Prophet Joseph Smith) 

-Our attitude shouldn't be "How close to edge can I get and still be okay?", but rather "How can I be more valiant? What more can I do?" The Sabbath day is a good example of this. One of the talks was about gratitude. I would like one of my future family's traditions to be for us to write at least one thank-you note each Sunday.

-Hymns are like affirmations x 10. "What is more powerful than truth? Truth set to music." Also, I would like to tell myself the affirmation that each time I sing a hymn my testimony is strengthened. Which I believe is true! And I would also like to memorize a lot more hymns. I think I've been led to a good system of looking over what I'd like to memorize, then typing it down while I say it. That way, I can make sure I'm actually getting it right, and it also reinforces it because if I do have to correct a part, I am more involved. It's worked pretty well so far with scriptures!

-There is a difference between thankfulness and gratitude. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude--it is the saying thank you. Gratitude is the living in such a way to show your thanks. 

-One brother shared a quote from Corrie Ten Boom, a woman who went through a concentration camp during World War II. Her sister prayed for help on how they could get through this nightmare. She realized that the Lord had already answered their prayer as they had studied the Bible that morning. It was in 1 Thessalonians--"give thanks in all times"--not just in pleasant times. Her sister decided to thank Heavenly Father for the things they did have--for example, they were blessed that they didn't have the initial check the guards normally did, because it allowed them to keep their Bible. It was a blessing that there were so many women in their area, because it meant all of them to could listen to them when they read from the Bible. And she even thanked Heavenly Father for the fleas. At this point Corrie protested. How could she thank Him for fleas? Later on they found out, though, that because the prisoners had fleas, it kept the guards from coming in and finding out that they were reading from the Bible. Such an incredible story that every circumstance can been seen as a blessing. That is a super important thing for me to realize.

-I share my testimony best through a joyful countenance. Of course, I still need need to share the gospel, but what will make people interested is to see the joy that I have.

"If we would be happy, let's make others happy"

-I've been praying for quite a while to have a more powerful understanding of the sacrament. Today I felt like that prayer was answered with some insights. I realized that I can create affirmations. The sacrament is where we partake of the Atonement.

Today was chock-full of spiritual moments! This has been an eye-opener for me. Think of all the spiritual insights I would not have gained if I hadn't gone to church today. And look at all the insights that did come because I went. :) We all need church!

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