
24 May Church

Today I'm in Rexburg, so I got to go to church here! It was SO good. I love insights from the young single adults--so powerful. The topics during the different hours were the sacrament, the prodigal son, and the Sabbath day.

-In order to gain more from the sacrament, memorize the sacramental prayers.

-There is powerful in repetition. Every time we hear something and think about it, we gain a deeper understanding.

-Sometimes all it takes to gain more insight is a little bit more effort.

-One practical way to get more out of the sacrament is to read over the hymns you'll be singing at sacrament meeting before it starts.

-I had the thought that I could make the sacrament more meaningful by kind of practicing keeping my mind focused only on the Savior for five or ten minutes. I can do this anytime, and I think it would help me to stay focused during those short moments that the Savior has asked us to spiritually "watch with Him."

-remember Him always--remember Him in all ways

-A really powerful thought/affirmation I tried to tell myself today is that the Savior is present during the sacrament. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had partaking of the sacrament--I felt His presence more. It was a tender mercy as well, that the speaker today mentioned that He does the same thing when we partakes of the sacrament.

-One brother shared a powerful story--he was in the bishopric and was inviting a sister to fulfill a calling. As he did so, he had this image of her going through the challenges of her life, but the Lord removing her trials and strengthening her because she was fulfilling her calling. She gave him several reasons why she couldn't, but he invited her again and she said yes. As she magnified her calling, she overcame each of those trials and reasons that she had given him! A powerful reminder that Heavenly Father will bless us as we do what He has asked.

-Try to focus on every hymn and scripture as you read or sing them in church--you will gain greater insight.

-It takes time to remember Him--for example, powerful prayers and scripture study take time. We've got to voluntarily give Him that time--He will never demand it from us.

-"One of the most important invitations ever issued to us and to all mankind is to 'come unto Christ and be perfected in him.' (Moro. 10:32.) How do we do that? One of the most beautiful and important ways is through the ordinance of the sacrament." -Elder Groberg, The Beauty and Importance of the Sacrament

-"What does it mean to partake of the sacrament worthily? Or how do we know if we are unworthy? If we desire to improve (which is to repent) and are not under priesthood restriction, then, in my opinion, we are worthy. If, however, we have no desire to improve, if we have no intention of following the guidance of the Spirit, we must ask: Are we worthy to partake, or are we making a mockery of the very purpose of the sacrament, which is to act as a catalyst for personal repentance and improvement? If we remember the Savior and all he has done and will do for us, we will improve our actions and thus come closer to him, which keeps us on the road to eternal life. If, however, we refuse to repent and improve, if we do not remember him and keep his commandments, then we have stopped our growth, and that is damnation to our souls. The sacrament is an intensely personal experience, and we are the ones who knowingly are worthy or otherwise." -Elder Groberg

-One brother mentioned that each morning, he and his wife pray to know the Lord's will and how to serve Him. I want to do that!

-This same brother shared that he is sometimes on church disciplinary councils in his calling. For people who want to return, he asks them why they want to, and in every instance, they say that it's because they miss the Spirit. The bonds we have to the Spirit are strong and they can draw us back.

-Make sure the things you are doing aren't just going through the motions--decide what your purpose is and then plan your actions around it, not the other way around.

-The more we recognize the blessings the Lord gives us, the more we want to serve Him. It's all about showing your gratitude through your actions!

-One sister mentioned that (apparently) in ancient times on the Sabbath, people gave a double sacrifice. I can liken that to my life, for sure!

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