

I had an amazing experience tonight! I was in a weird mood (I took a DEEP nap today so I felt like today was two separate days and then I took a long walk later on and it was like a weird alternate paradigm shift...and then I ate a banana with peanut butter and honey...and several hours later I started typing on here...#unnecessarydetails #thebananawasdelicious #thenapwasdelicious #thewalkwaslong) and Heavenly Father snapped me out of it during scripture study! I prayed to be guided to what I needed and I opened up to Alma 37--one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon! Verse 6 says "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass". I started thinking about small and simple things I can start doing and asked Mama for advice. She mentioned keeping a gratitude journal! It is feels exactly right. I was wondering if I should keep it private or put it on here...and this tab was the first thing that popped up...so I'm going to take that as a sign! Maybe someday it will help someone. :) OKAY LET'S DO THIS THING

1. the inspiration to start this gratitude journal--Heavenly Father answers prayers! And I never need to worry about if I will be able to understand the message. Since He knows everything, He also knows how to make sure I get the message...regardless of my frailties. :)

2. I received so many insights during my study. I've started to study by trying to look up all the footnotes for the verses, and I found some excellent verses from the Bible! One of my favorites from today: 1 Chronicles 16:8--"Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people." In other words, tell other people about the tender mercies in your life! In other words, keep a gratitude journal! I love this insight.

3. Neil and Bethany are the besttt...they are so accommodating to Mama and me and don't even complain when we stay up til all hours of the night blaring our rock and roll. (just kidding we don't do that) Seriously though, they always make us feel so welcome. They're so good to ussssss *tears*

4. I got to see people from SVU today! #reunion #actuallyfarewell #farewellreunion

5. Did I mention that I have the best mama in the world? #SheLovesRockAndRoll #JustKiddingSheLovesEnya I don't know why I am so blessed to have her as my mama. She and Papa Hoo take care of my every need. Most importantly, she showers me (and everyone) with affection. That is probably the most important thing she could give. One of my deepest desires is to have that attribute. And she is a great example for me to model my life after!

31 May Church

Today I went to my old roommate's farewell. First of all, can I just say that she is a huge example to me? I learned so much from her this last semester. She is constantly trying to improve. For example, she and her sister would choose one goal and work on it for a month. She has felt a little attacked by the adversary in preparation for her mission, and instead of just letting it happen, she made up a plan of things she would do every day to strengthen herself.

So, here are some highlights from church:

-Missionary work is a lifestyle.

-“It is one thing to know about God and another to know him. We know about him when we learn that he is a personal being in whose image man is created; when we learn that the Son is in the express image of his Father’s person; when we learn that both the Father and the Son possess certain [specific] attributes and powers. But we know them, in the sense of gaining eternal life, when we enjoy and experience the same things they do. To know God is to think what he thinks, to feel what he feels, to have the power he possesses, to comprehend the truths he understands, and to do what he does. Those who know God become like him, and have his kind of life, which is eternal life.” -Elder Wirthlin, quoting Elder McConkie

-An idea was posed that when we ignore the Spirit, He doesn't automatically return just through the passage of time, but once we repent of what we've done.

-Our covenants are like marriage--we make the promises out of a natural result of love. We need to not only make covenants, but to be faithful to them throughout our lives, just as we would be faithful to our spouses throughout life. I really love that insight--it helps me to understand the different dimensions of covenants.

-Find good examples of valiant men and women whose specific actions you can emulate. Read President Monson's biography.

-"If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?" (Elder Perry) I love Elder Perry. He passed away yesterday. He was, and still is, an incredible man. He was 92 years old, but still full of life and optimism! One of my favorite talks from him was when he came to BYU-Idaho. He talked about the power of traditions in our families. He likened them to the beams in a home. I have always remembered that!

-If you are struggling to love someone, imagine him or her as if he or she was the Savior.

-A home teacher's or visiting teacher's responsibilities include praying together as a companionship and discussing the individual's needs. Home teachers and visiting teachers are the "bishop's arm"--with congregations sometimes as large as 300+ people, there is no way the bishop could check up on each family each month. We are undershepherds for the Lord.

-"We could have 100 percent home teaching and not be effective in what we're trying to accomplish." Always keep your purpose in mind--what is the purpose of home teaching?

-Pray for those you visit teach every day.

-We need to rely on the Spirit in our callings, especially home teaching and visiting teaching.

-We watched this video at the very end of church and it was so powerful! It brings tears to my eyes to see these burly men tenderly caring for a sister in need. Like Sister Burton said, "A husband is never more attractive to his wife than when he is serving … as a worthy priesthood holder."
Ahh! I watched it again and now I'm crying again! Mormon Messages, how do you do it every time! haha. I loved the last quote in there, and it's so true: "the more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. … We become more substantive as we serve others—indeed, it is easier to ‘find’ ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!” -Elder Christofferson, quoting President Kimball


"The Savior’s Atonement cannot become commonplace in our teaching, in our conversation, or in our hearts." -President Uchtdorf


24 May Church

Today I'm in Rexburg, so I got to go to church here! It was SO good. I love insights from the young single adults--so powerful. The topics during the different hours were the sacrament, the prodigal son, and the Sabbath day.

-In order to gain more from the sacrament, memorize the sacramental prayers.

-There is powerful in repetition. Every time we hear something and think about it, we gain a deeper understanding.

-Sometimes all it takes to gain more insight is a little bit more effort.

-One practical way to get more out of the sacrament is to read over the hymns you'll be singing at sacrament meeting before it starts.

-I had the thought that I could make the sacrament more meaningful by kind of practicing keeping my mind focused only on the Savior for five or ten minutes. I can do this anytime, and I think it would help me to stay focused during those short moments that the Savior has asked us to spiritually "watch with Him."

-remember Him always--remember Him in all ways

-A really powerful thought/affirmation I tried to tell myself today is that the Savior is present during the sacrament. It was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had partaking of the sacrament--I felt His presence more. It was a tender mercy as well, that the speaker today mentioned that He does the same thing when we partakes of the sacrament.

-One brother shared a powerful story--he was in the bishopric and was inviting a sister to fulfill a calling. As he did so, he had this image of her going through the challenges of her life, but the Lord removing her trials and strengthening her because she was fulfilling her calling. She gave him several reasons why she couldn't, but he invited her again and she said yes. As she magnified her calling, she overcame each of those trials and reasons that she had given him! A powerful reminder that Heavenly Father will bless us as we do what He has asked.

-Try to focus on every hymn and scripture as you read or sing them in church--you will gain greater insight.

-It takes time to remember Him--for example, powerful prayers and scripture study take time. We've got to voluntarily give Him that time--He will never demand it from us.

-"One of the most important invitations ever issued to us and to all mankind is to 'come unto Christ and be perfected in him.' (Moro. 10:32.) How do we do that? One of the most beautiful and important ways is through the ordinance of the sacrament." -Elder Groberg, The Beauty and Importance of the Sacrament

-"What does it mean to partake of the sacrament worthily? Or how do we know if we are unworthy? If we desire to improve (which is to repent) and are not under priesthood restriction, then, in my opinion, we are worthy. If, however, we have no desire to improve, if we have no intention of following the guidance of the Spirit, we must ask: Are we worthy to partake, or are we making a mockery of the very purpose of the sacrament, which is to act as a catalyst for personal repentance and improvement? If we remember the Savior and all he has done and will do for us, we will improve our actions and thus come closer to him, which keeps us on the road to eternal life. If, however, we refuse to repent and improve, if we do not remember him and keep his commandments, then we have stopped our growth, and that is damnation to our souls. The sacrament is an intensely personal experience, and we are the ones who knowingly are worthy or otherwise." -Elder Groberg

-One brother mentioned that each morning, he and his wife pray to know the Lord's will and how to serve Him. I want to do that!

-This same brother shared that he is sometimes on church disciplinary councils in his calling. For people who want to return, he asks them why they want to, and in every instance, they say that it's because they miss the Spirit. The bonds we have to the Spirit are strong and they can draw us back.

-Make sure the things you are doing aren't just going through the motions--decide what your purpose is and then plan your actions around it, not the other way around.

-The more we recognize the blessings the Lord gives us, the more we want to serve Him. It's all about showing your gratitude through your actions!

-One sister mentioned that (apparently) in ancient times on the Sabbath, people gave a double sacrifice. I can liken that to my life, for sure!


Help Wanted

"Imagine with me some of the possible spiritual 'help wanted' signs related to the work of salvation:

• Help wanted: parents to bring up their children in light and truth
• Help wanted: daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and true friends to serve as mentors and offer helping hands along the covenant path
• Help wanted: those who listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and act on impressions received
• Help wanted: those who live the gospel daily in small and simple ways
• Help wanted: family history and temple workers to link families eternally
• Help wanted: missionaries and members to spread the “good news”—the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Help wanted: rescuers to find those who have lost their way
• Help wanted: covenant keepers to stand firm for truth and right
• Help wanted: true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ

Years ago, Elder M. Russell Ballard issued a clarion call to the sisters of the Church when he said: 'Between now and the day the Lord comes again, He needs women in every family, in every ward, in every community, in every nation who will step forward in righteousness and say by their words and their actions,‘Here am I, send me.’ My question is, ‘Will you be one of those women?'" -Sister Linda Burton, Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work


"Truly Good and Without Guile"

Great talk by Elder Michael T. Ringwood about seeking service over glory!

-“Great women and men are always more anxious to serve than to have dominion.” (President Spencer W. Kimball)

-"“Heavenly Father knows this young man is a successful missionary, and so do I.” He added, “And now you know too, so who else really matters?”"

-"the service that counts most is usually recognized by God alone."

-"Some may say, 'But I have so far to go to become like those you describe.' The good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that the desires of our hearts can be transformed and our motives can be educated and refined. "

-"Each time we renew the covenant of baptism by partaking of the sacrament,we are one step closer to that ultimate goal."

-"In that covenant, we find the grace that enables us to serve God and keep His commandments, including loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbors as ourselves. In that covenant, God and Christ succor us so we can succor those who stand in need of our succor."
"He has all power to save every man" -Alma 12:15

And by every man, He means every man.

The adversary can be very good at making us feel like we are outside the reach of the Atonement. We're not. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:14)

Heavenly Father has the power He needs to help all of us and to forgive all of us.

Alma 38:4--”For I know that thou wast in bonds; yea, and I also know that thou wast stoned for the word's sake; and thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee.”--This is super important for me to remember. I often wonder how the early disciples did it. Peter and Paul faced such hardships. How did they do it? What allowed them to give up their natural man inclinations for comfort, for relief? I think a part of it was that their hardest trials weren't the first time that they had sacrificed for the Lord. They had done so in all the small moments, and that strengthened them for the harder trials. But also, it was because of the same reason that Shiblon did--the Lord was with them. The Lord is always with us in suffering. In fact, He was there first. I hope that in my trials, I will be immovable in my loyalty to the Savior.


"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." -Matthew 25:40

I heard an interesting insight yesterday: "the least of these my brethren" doesn't just apply to strangers. They can be your family members and friends. For example, if you're struggling to love your spouse for a moment, treat Him as you would treat the Savior. Such a good thought! We need to treat everyone as we would treat the Savior.
Y'all may or may not know...that I am addicted to family history. And it's great. :D And I've realized lately that Heavenly Father knows exactly where the information I need is, and if I will give Him the time, He will give me the directions. He wants me to find these people even more than I do, and He can guide me to them for the rest of my life, easily! I love this quote too, because it's not just Heavenly Father Who will show me, but those on the other side who want me to find them! Mama has shared incredible stories with me of times when she has felt that presence. Amazing!

"A husband is never more attractive to his wife than when he is serving … as a worthy priesthood holder." -Sister Linda K. Burton


17 May Church

-Missionary work is specifically tailored to each person--it is not one-size-fits-all. It takes the Spirit to know how and who to reach out to.

-We talked about the power of the Book of Mormon tonight. We watched this powerful video from Elder Holland about the Book of Mormon. He is the lion of the Lord, I've decided! He is so powerful in how he says things. If anyone doubts, I wish I could send them Elder Holland! "I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true." That quote sent shivers up my spine, realizing that he was literally bearing his powerful testimony to the entire world because of General Conference.

-"God always provides safety for the soul [powerful affirmation we can tell ourselves in times of trial], and with the Book of Mormon, He has again done that in our time. Remember this declaration by Jesus Himself: 'Whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived' —and in the last days neither your heart nor your faith will fail you." -Elder Holland

-We also talked about how sometimes we make assumptions about who wants to hear the gospel. One mindset I tried on my mission sometimes was to find out what the person was really like and prove my assumption wrong. It was fun. :D

-The teacher challenged us to read the Book of Mormon again by the end of the year!

-Church is an opportunity to help build Heavenly Father's kingdom by the comments you share. I realized that the only way to build Heavenly Father's kingdom is by following promptings. That is how He will guide me to do so.

-We talked about the rich young man who Christ asked to give away all his riches in Mark 10 and I thought about Abrahamic sacrifice. We will all have to make our own Abrahamic sacrifices. We will one day meet Abraham.

-For the rich young man, the biggest sacrifice was to give up his riches. However, this lesson can apply to all of us. The real question is, which things would I have a hard time giving up? Which things do I put above Heavenly Father?

-One brother shared a story about a man who doubled his fast offering contributions every year for three years and the miracles that came from that.

-"Make the exercise of your faith your first priority." -Elder Richard G. Scott

-"Let the Spirit teach you today. Read [the scriptures]."

-I remembered that one elder spoke about a forty-day challenge. He said to find one small thing that keeps you from having the Spirit, and overcome it. For example, for him on his mission, it was writing in his journal.

-Hopefully I got this quote right: "No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelation." (Prophet Joseph Smith) 

-Our attitude shouldn't be "How close to edge can I get and still be okay?", but rather "How can I be more valiant? What more can I do?" The Sabbath day is a good example of this. One of the talks was about gratitude. I would like one of my future family's traditions to be for us to write at least one thank-you note each Sunday.

-Hymns are like affirmations x 10. "What is more powerful than truth? Truth set to music." Also, I would like to tell myself the affirmation that each time I sing a hymn my testimony is strengthened. Which I believe is true! And I would also like to memorize a lot more hymns. I think I've been led to a good system of looking over what I'd like to memorize, then typing it down while I say it. That way, I can make sure I'm actually getting it right, and it also reinforces it because if I do have to correct a part, I am more involved. It's worked pretty well so far with scriptures!

-There is a difference between thankfulness and gratitude. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude--it is the saying thank you. Gratitude is the living in such a way to show your thanks. 

-One brother shared a quote from Corrie Ten Boom, a woman who went through a concentration camp during World War II. Her sister prayed for help on how they could get through this nightmare. She realized that the Lord had already answered their prayer as they had studied the Bible that morning. It was in 1 Thessalonians--"give thanks in all times"--not just in pleasant times. Her sister decided to thank Heavenly Father for the things they did have--for example, they were blessed that they didn't have the initial check the guards normally did, because it allowed them to keep their Bible. It was a blessing that there were so many women in their area, because it meant all of them to could listen to them when they read from the Bible. And she even thanked Heavenly Father for the fleas. At this point Corrie protested. How could she thank Him for fleas? Later on they found out, though, that because the prisoners had fleas, it kept the guards from coming in and finding out that they were reading from the Bible. Such an incredible story that every circumstance can been seen as a blessing. That is a super important thing for me to realize.

-I share my testimony best through a joyful countenance. Of course, I still need need to share the gospel, but what will make people interested is to see the joy that I have.

"If we would be happy, let's make others happy"

-I've been praying for quite a while to have a more powerful understanding of the sacrament. Today I felt like that prayer was answered with some insights. I realized that I can create affirmations. The sacrament is where we partake of the Atonement.

Today was chock-full of spiritual moments! This has been an eye-opener for me. Think of all the spiritual insights I would not have gained if I hadn't gone to church today. And look at all the insights that did come because I went. :) We all need church!


"There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood." -President James E. Faust

"Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers’ love is because it typifies the love of our Savior." -Elder Bradley D. Foster


"Stay By the Tree"

Still my favorite Conference talk, and still exactly what I need to hear every time I listen to it!

"[A]verage commitment will prevent you from enduring to the end."--I have got to be above average in my discipleship. There is no status quo.

"The Holy Ghost will change your heart...He will show you what you need to do next."--I have absolutely felt this in my life with different challenges--as I pray for guidance, He sends it! And it's perfect! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by all the progress I need to make, but He sends me instructions line by line, drop by drop. I love Him.

"Our daily discipleship will determine our eternal destiny."--This is a good reminder that it is dependent on how I act today, not "some time later," that determines my standing before Heavenly Father.


"Choose ye this day"

“Korihor was arguing, as men and women have falsely argued from the beginning of time, that to take counsel from the servants of God is to surrender God-given rights of independence. But the argument is false because it misrepresents reality. When we reject the counsel which comes from God, we do not choose to be independent of outside influence. We choose another influence. We reject the protection of a perfectly loving, all-powerful, all-knowing Father in Heaven, whose whole purpose, as that of His Beloved Son, is to give us eternal life, to give us all that He has, and to bring us home again in families to the arms of His love. In rejecting His counsel, we choose the influence of another power, whose purpose is to make us miserable and whose motive is hatred. We have moral agency as a gift of God. Rather than the right to choose to be free of influence, it is the inalienable right to submit ourselves to whichever of those powers we choose. Another fallacy is to believe that the choice to accept or not accept the counsel of prophets is no more than deciding whether to accept good advice and gain its benefits or to stay where we are. But the choice not to take prophetic counsel changes the very ground upon which we stand. It becomes more dangerous. The failure to take prophetic counsel lessens our power to take inspired counsel in the future. The best time to have decided to help Noah build the ark was the first time he asked. Each time he asked after that, each failure to respond would have lessened sensitivity to the Spirit. And so each time his request would have seemed more foolish, until the rain came. And then it was too late” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 33; or Ensign, May 1997, 25)." -Book of Mormon Institute Manual, pg. 216


Saturday Evening Stake Conference

So, I would like to do a better job at recording the insights I gain at church. We had the Saturday evening session of stake conference tonight and I think it was the best Saturday session I have ever been to! It was all about ward councils, which I loved because it was so practical.

-One thing they mentioned was the importance of family councils. I want to regularly counsel with my husband to see how each child is doing spiritually and what we need to teach them next. And father's interviews would be great! Councils altogether as a family can happen regularly. And I'm sure my kids will have awesome insights. Because I have the coolest kids ever...I just know it. :)

-The night before I finished my mission, my mission president gave us all advice about post-mission life. One thing he mentioned was to magnify our callings. He said, "If you're a nursery leader, be the best nursery leader that ward has ever seen!" I need to do SO MUCH better at this. I need to pray for inspiration on how to do so, and seeing as I'll be a visiting teacher for the rest of my life, I want to get in the habit of praying specifically for my sisters every day.

-The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve are good examples of counseling--they do not pass an issue until every person unequivocally comes to the same decision. That is inspired counseling, and there's no reason it can't happen with families! It takes me back to my mission--my companion and I tried confirming our revelation with each other, and it was cool to see how often we both received the same prompting about who to go see!

-One of the speakers, Elder Smith of the Seventy, was so animated and fun! (Example: "If you stick around in this church long enough and keep your covenants, soon enough you'll be a former everything." AKA everyone will be on the ward council at some point because we all have a lot of different callings in our lifetimes! Also, he told the best story about how President Uchtdorf, he, and a companionship of sister missionaries were able to help Italy be more open to the gospel--each person, from a member of the Quorum of the Twelve to humble missionaries, is necessary to do the work!) We were all listening to his every word, and I thought again about how Heavenly Father wants us to be successful so that we can positively influence others and be a light on the hill. Do not confuse mediocrity with humility!

-The thought came to start praying every day for a stronger desire to help build Heavenly Father's kingdom, as well as daily opportunities to do so! Exciting!

-Our stake president had a powerful insight--I heard a lot of pens clicking to write it down as soon as he said it! He said, "we do need to receive confirmation of our promptings. Often it comes in the doing."

-"Keep your covenants, and make new ones." (Elder Smith) Such a good insight! It raises our vision.

-If the ward council was an essay, the thesis would be "How can we help these people?" Every conversation in ward councils should relate back to the thesis.

-"Inspiration often follows information." (President Brotherson) I love this insight! We should get all the information we can! He related this idea when he was explaining how the ward council would invite members who knew a lot of the ward members into some councils in order to know more of the stories about the people whom the council didn't know about. We did this on my mission once and we accomplished so much! It was cool to see how each person had a piece of the puzzle.

-Almost everyone in the ward has a right to revelation in their respective spheres because of their callings, whether it's a visiting teacher or the bishop.

-There is also power in couples' councils. President Brotherson shared a story from Elder Maxwell's life where he was exhausted from his day's work and illnesses. He came home and his wife told him he needed to go visit a specific neighbor. As he followed his wife's counsel, the neighbor told him that she knew he would come because she had been praying for him to. "We learned how the Spirit spoke to each other." That is such a powerful insight! I AM going to be with my husband for the rest of eternity, so I will come to understand how the Spirit speaks to him. President Brotherson also said sometimes it doesn't really matter which partner the prompting comes to--which made me think of the scripture that man and wife are to become one flesh.

Daily Repentance

"We all live on spiritual credit. In one way or another, the account builds and builds. If you pay it off as you go, you have little need to worry. Soon you begin to learn discipline and know that there is a day of reckoning ahead. Learn to keep your spiritual account paid off at regular intervals rather than allowing it to collect interest and penalties." -President Boyd K. Packer, "The Savior's Selfless and Sacred Sacrifice," April 2015 Ensign