
The Present Has Past in the Future

Mmm. I needed to create...and I figured Facebook was inadequate, not to mention a HUGE distraction to...anything of real importance. haha

Okay, I'm here! Now what? Oh my gosh, look at those clouds.
Ouch. My heart hurts. It hurt a lot less this time around, but still. High school relationships are stupid, I've realized! And we fall into them because everyone loves to be loved! Man, it takes effort to...not go on Facebook. You could say it's a favorite sin of mine. haha. I know exactly what will happen every time I go on! I will underestimate how long I'll be on there. Sound familiar to anyone else? :D

Mmm, I'm feeling something deeper. I have been so easily distracted lately. Not even from homework, but from what's important. I seem to have forgotten to focus on others. Man, my world is getting way too condensed. I would love to just go drive Legacy Highway right now. Something about traveling changes your perspective. It's like you see that the world is made up of more than just North Ogden pass and Weber High School. haha

Oh man, I miss
summer 2009
so much right now. I miss it every single day. I miss it so much! If I miss summer this much and it was the closest to heaven I've been, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to function right now if I remembered what heaven is really like! Thank heavens for the veil. :)

Mmm. Memories are what I yearn for. Something just came to me. I yearn so much for the past because I don't look to the future. Since I don't know what will happen and it's looking pretty mundane, I'm looking to the past. This girl needs some goals!

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9

If you don't celebrate the present, you're going to miss the past.

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