
Happy Happy Joy Joy

These last few days I have been hungry to strengthen my relationship with Heavenly Father - for Him to become my Best Friend. I feel like my prayers need MAJOR improvement, so I have felt like I need to start by giving Heavenly Father a set amount of time in the morning and at night where I can just talk to Him and not be in a rush. I realized we set an amount of time for scripture study, so why not for prayer? Already it has brought me so much closer to Him. I had the happiest moment ever today where I just felt close to Him. It snowed a lot here today and my shoes did not have very good grip. I was taking the hill back down to our house and I prayed that Heavenly Father would help me get down in one piece. Well, I slipped, landed right on my behind, and started sliding. And laughing. And sliding. And I went for a good ten feet! And then I stopped, tried to get up, at said, "Ahh, what the heck, it'll probably be less treacherous this way!" and just scooted along til I started sliding again, laughing all the way down. I landed safely in the perfect spot right at the bottom of the hill like I was three years old and Heavenly Father had just put me on this perfect little snow slide and gave me a little push and guided that little behind all the way down the hill. :) Thinking about it now just makes me smile! My tender mercy of the day. So sweet!

And another thought. I have the seeds of divinity in me. I am Heavenly Father's daughter, so I have inherited His traits, even if for now they are dormant. In terms of worth, it is not a matter of WHO I am (the attributes I may or may not have), but WHOSE I am. That is a worth that cannot be changed. Happy thoughts. Love love :)

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