
Weaknesses and Worries

I learned another important lesson.

A few nights ago I felt overwhelmed by my weaknesses; like I don't have the strength to ever overcome them. I prayed for comfort and went to Ether 12:27. I found that I had written some cross-references there: Philippians 4:13 and especially 2 Corinthians 12:9: "And he said said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my [Christ's] strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." My weaknesses can be a testimony of Christ's strength. I had this image come to mind of me with patches taken out. These are my weaknesses. Then I imagined golden light bursting from those holes - the power of the Atonement. I know that not only can our weaknesses be overcome through Christ, but that they can become our strengths, our testimony of Christ's strength. That gave me a lot of comfort.

That same night I had the thought that I need to set some guiding principles for my mission. One of the thoughts that came was that I need to go to Heavenly Father with my problems FIRST, ALWAYS. Of course I can go to others as well, but Heavenly Father comes first. So that night I told Heavenly Father each of my worries. I felt powerful comfort that did not come from myself. I felt His guidance through my thoughts.

I challenge you to take your problems to Heavenly Father first. He can help you.

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