

So, I had an idea. I love ideas. :) I had the idea that during each fast and testimony meeting I would write my testimony down. So now I'd like to transfer that idea to here, and I can write a little bit more about how my testimony came/was strengthened. And maybe I'll throw in little insights that have come during the month.

-My testimony of Heavenly Father being able to help me reach my goals and guide my life was strengthened this month. I have been praying and praying that I could strengthen my sense of self-worth, and I noticed over and over that affirmations were being brought up. I know Heavenly Father has been telling me that's the answer, and as I've been applying that, I have reached a greater level of sustained excitement and hope than ever before! And you know what? Heavenly Father loves that. He LOVES to see me happy. Also, during the Women's Broadcast last night the thought came to me that Heavenly Father loves to see His daughters confident.

-I know that President Monson is our living prophet. Some people are quick to point out that prophets are not perfect. It is a fallacy to expect them to be. But, the structure of the Church is designed by a perfect God, and part of His plan is for imperfect, righteous men to guide us. And it doesn't come as a surprise to Him. And anyways, even though President Monson is not perfect, he is WAY closer to perfection than I am. So there. :) During the General Women's Broadcast last night, I noticed that he is growing older, a bit smaller. As part of one of the talks, they played a clip of him speaking when he was younger and stronger. And the thought came to me: he is still as much a prophet today as he ever was, and nothing will change that. I LOVE PRESIDENT MONSON!

-Along the same lines, I know that Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the Restoration. The other day I finally recorded myself giving his testimony like Elder Andersen asked us to. A few days later, a friend we have who has been struggling with his testimony of Joseph Smith was telling us things that have concerned him. I am so grateful that I felt prompted to follow Elder Andersen's advice, because I feel like it strengthened me for that. I know that Joseph Smith did see Heavenly Father and the Savior in the Sacred Grove. I know that he is a prophet, called by a perfect God. I know that in cases where things maybe don't add up for people, everything will be understood one day, even if it's in the next life. As Elder Holland says so powerfully (as he always does!): " In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited. When those [troubling] moments come and issues surface, the resolution of which is not immediately forthcoming, hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes...In this Church, what we know will always trump what we do not know...So be kind regarding human frailty—your own as well as that of those who serve with you in a Church led by volunteer, mortal men and women. Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it. So should we." I love Elder Holland. :) And I love the Prophet Joseph Smith!

-"We don't need to wait until we die to go to heaven; we just need to go to the temple" (Elder Groberg, "Of Refuge and Reality"). I got to go to the DC temple yesterday, and it was so powerful and peaceful. On the drive there I tried to change my mindset to thinking that we were driving to heaven for the day. I think that the long drive makes me recognize the power of the temple even more. There is a certain peace that comes to me from even just the familiarity of the words spoken in the ordinances - they are constant, and that has almost a lulling, calming effect on me. I don't know how to describe it. I am so grateful for the temple and the protection that comes from attending. As President Hinckley has said, "Every time you come to the temple, you will be a better man or woman when you leave than you were when you came."

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