
Real Men

My feelings are tender tonight. I just finished watching 17 Miracles. Those Saints are so faithful. They were so strong; words cannot express that strongly enough. As I watched I thought about the trials they went through and I thought to myself, “How can I be as faithful as they were?”. They are worthy role models to aspire to be like. As President Hinckley said, we should never stop being grateful for them.

I want to talk about heroes.

There is a scene in the movie where several men volunteer to carry the rest of the company across the Sweetwater River in the dead of winter. That scene touched me deeply. They are real men. The greatest indicator of a real man is someone who selflessly sacrifices all that is required for the welfare of others. I think about the men in my life and what they would do if they were at Sweetwater River in the winter of 1856. I have no doubt in my mind that my brothers and father would be some of the first to volunteer, and that brings tears to my eyes. There are so many other men I know who would do the same. They are real men and I am deeply grateful for their strong, selfless characters. I am grateful for the Levi Savages in my life and someday I hope to marry one. Brothers, if any of you are reading this, know that I and other women are so grateful for your sacrifices, for your priesthood service, for your being stalwart in such a corrupted world. I’m sure life can be hard for you and that it can be difficult for you to stay strong. There may even be times that you have fallen. Know that we stand behind you and we’ll do all we can to help you.

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