



  • I found a new blog to love! danicaholdaway.com. I have been reading on it for hours lately. When I find something I like, I tend to suck the marrow out of it...I just love how real and fun she is and that she lives in Orem, so it makes her lifestyle seem more attainable for me! One of the things I've liked the most is that happiness sometimes is just having something to look forward to. I'm trying to work on that, since discouragement kind of closed me off to getting excited about anything, because I don't want to get my hopes up over things that seem so out of my control. But! I'm starting again! This time with Saint Patrick's Day (since holidays make an easy way to look forward to something). She said she tries to plan an outfit, food, and an activity for every holiday. I will Susie d disbelief for now and try it out/try not to overstress about making it perfect.
  • I'm starting to exercise against! Honestly, it has been basically a year and a half since I've exercised regularly. I'm definitely seeing the effects. I'm gaining weight, was getting stressed, being low-grade sick basically all the time, feeling unhappy, not sleeping very well. After the first day of exercise (a short walk), I slept so wel, my face was clear the next day, and things have not been stressing me out. I have been amazed to see that such a small act has turned my mood around 180 degrees so fast. I seriously felt overpowered by negative emotions, but now it seems so easy to handle! I'm happy! My teacher told us there are no silver bullets in the health world; but if there were, it would be exercise. I agree with him! T has more benefits than any other single thing I can think of.
  • My most exciting discovery has been that decreasing barriers and increasing benefits increase self-efficacy. I have been applying this principle to every goal I have and I'm have been seeing the results that I have been searching for for 24 years. It is amazing and so simple!! I finally feel control in my life and I have seen a lot of success. Last night I had the thought it that at nred to apply this to preparing for marriage.


  • I totally did not plan anything for Valentine's Day and the pressure to have it be perfect and failing got me really frustrated. Zach and I improvized and ending up at Panda Express, which he was happy about! The sad part was his fortune cookie..."A distance romance will begin to appear more promising." On Valentine's Day? For re-re?

On My Mind

  • Group projects. My life is one group project this semester and it's crazy. Five classes, five groups. It actually is really nice because the workload goes down a ton and makes assignments a lot less stressful. So, I'm grateful for them, but also wish I was better at my soft skills.

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