
You Have Been Assigned to Labor...



Report to the Provo MTC on May 8, 2013!

I'm so stoked!!! I really felt like I was going to go stateside before I opened my call. Thank you for the heads up, Heavenly Father! :)

So! Let me tell you a little bit about the OTM! (Oklahoma Tulsa Mission, aka Only True Mission, Obesity Through Members, or Ogres Throwing Midgets)

1. It is the best mission in the world! Of course. :)

2. They have fireflies there!

3. They also have tornadoes!

4. The people call shopping carts buggies.

5. I was thinking the people would have Minnesota-like accents, but they're really more Southern twangy!

6. Oklahoma is next to Texas...not Michigan. haha. When was the last time I looked at a map of the U.S.?! How could I forget that it's the only state that resembles a pot?!

7. It gets super hot and humid there in the summer - over 100 degrees in the summer! Luckily living in Idaho has prepared me for that?

8. My mission president and his wife are AWESOME! I found their blog...not creepy

9. Tulsa is also called the Oil Capital of the World, Tulsey Town, T-Town, the 918! haha

10. My mission also covers parts of Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas; in fact, it covers more of Missouri than it does Oklahoma. Holla!

11. Their state vegetable is watermelon. No, really! And listen to this! "State meal: fried okra, squash, cornbread, barbecue pork, biscuits, sausage and gravy, grits, corn, strawberries, chicken fried steak, pecan pie, and black-eyed peas." If I gain 30 pounds in the next 18 months...please still be my friend

12. High school football is huge out there.

13. Their state flag is hipster!

14. My friend told me that they have some sweet sayings out there like "Oklahoma - where the trees are made of wood" and "Oklahoma, Oklahoma - there, I said it twice". hahaha! These are my kind of people!

This mission just seems right for me. Just like my roommates' missions were perfect for them! I am excited to meet the incredible people out there! TWO MONTHS from now I will be there!