
My Testimony

I love the Book of Mormon! It has such awesome truths in it. It is for us in this day - every verse. I am reading a lot of it for my Book of Mormon class, and I have already found a plethora of truths, hope, things I need to change! It is the keystone of our religion. I love it.

Some truths I found:
-We must be prepared to win our battles against trials.
-It is easier to keep a good habit in hard moments than to give in and try to get back out of a bad habit.
-Pride is putting our ways above God's and trying to be better than others. Pride seeks power and can destroy nations.
-We cannot go into a tempting situation where we've slipped before and think that this time will be different. We have to change our circumstances, not trying to strengthen our will. It is so much easier to choose the right when you don't place yourself in those bad situations!

And lastly, Christ can wipe away every pain, every shame, everything. There is no one that the Atonement cannot reach, no hands that hang down that Christ cannot lift, no pain He has not been through or cannot take away. He is powerful. He is so kind. I love my Savior! As I come to know Him, or rather, remember Him, I love Him more and more. I will weep one day to see the Master who has given me everything, changed my very heart. The Book of Mormon points to Him. He lives in every one of us - He is found in every pain we have felt, because He felt it too. He is every joy because gives us that joy! The Atonement is incredible. It is a gift I can never ever even express gratitude for, and could never imagine being able to repay. I am eternally in debt to the kindest, most perfect man to walk on Earth.

"I know that my Redeemer lives! What comfort this sweet sentence gives."

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