
Hi College. :)

Hooray! I'm at college! And yesterday I was so stressed! But the good thing about hard times is that they make good times. I'm dropping an expensive, not-very-revelant class and I already feel so much better just thinking about it! Phew. :) In other news, college is awesome! Sometimes I just stop and think, "Wait. I'm in college?" Other times I stop and think "Wait. There's a world out there?" BYU-Idaho was placed in Rexburg for a reason. ;)

My roommates are so awesome! I luff them! We have crazy wild dancing British-toned times, and our funny quote board is already full. I laugh so much with them. And our ward is awesome! A new start!
P.S. I am full up on eye candy! We have some stud muffins for sale up here in Rexburg! And can I just say that when a guy wears cute glasses, I'm already instantly attracted to him? True story.

I love that the temple is literally up the hill! Being so stressed, I went up there yesterday. It was so nice. Helped me focus again - I'm going to try to go weekly. I will definitely need it to survive college! And to survive spiritually.

Which brings me to our first devotional! President Clark and his wife spoke about the poison of entitlement - ie: thinking that we deserve things and not being grateful. A heart pricker for sure! I definitely needed it. He said there are three things we can do to replace the spirit of entitlement with humility: 1. sincere prayer 2. taking the sacrament sincerely 3. attending the temple. So I guess I already fulfilled one of those yesterday! And it felt awesome. Again, phew. :)

What was I going to say...oh yes! My first assignments! Were awesome. My professors assigned us to read talks for our first assignments - talks! This is my school. :) And yesterday for intro to landscape architecture we got to go to the beautiful gardens and take pictures! My favorite. I love humanities - our class is so fun! I've decided I love classic art and classic music. Oh, and here's my first drawing I did for online drawing:

I love drawing! I love art! Right now I'm sort of trying to decide between an art major and a horticulture major. It'll probably end up being something totally different. haha. College is fun! And it kind of seems like everyone I know reminds me of someone else...a hint of home. :) P.S. I am trying to focus on FRIENDS, not GUYS. I'm so ready!

Alright, I am ready to tackle homework! And Jack Johnson, I love you!

And Caitlin Stack, I love you more!

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