



Some People Are So Cool!


I've decided that I'm really into learning and discovering right now! Bring it on!

You Betcha!

A husband is not a financial plan. Just throwing that out there to remember why I'm in college.


We Have a Great Responsibility

"Young women, we send out a call throughout all the world—not a call you can hear only with your ears, lest it sound preachy; not a call you read only with your eyes, lest it look ordinary on the printed page—but rather a call that you hear with your heart and spirit. If you will pause and listen with your spirit, you will hear the call—the call for you, not someone else; the call for today, not tomorrow; a call to join with all the other young women in the Church, those who are righteous and those who need help and encouragement to set aside the things that are keeping them from becoming who they really are to become." -Ardeth G. Kapp


Hi College. :)

Hooray! I'm at college! And yesterday I was so stressed! But the good thing about hard times is that they make good times. I'm dropping an expensive, not-very-revelant class and I already feel so much better just thinking about it! Phew. :) In other news, college is awesome! Sometimes I just stop and think, "Wait. I'm in college?" Other times I stop and think "Wait. There's a world out there?" BYU-Idaho was placed in Rexburg for a reason. ;)

My roommates are so awesome! I luff them! We have crazy wild dancing British-toned times, and our funny quote board is already full. I laugh so much with them. And our ward is awesome! A new start!
P.S. I am full up on eye candy! We have some stud muffins for sale up here in Rexburg! And can I just say that when a guy wears cute glasses, I'm already instantly attracted to him? True story.

I love that the temple is literally up the hill! Being so stressed, I went up there yesterday. It was so nice. Helped me focus again - I'm going to try to go weekly. I will definitely need it to survive college! And to survive spiritually.

Which brings me to our first devotional! President Clark and his wife spoke about the poison of entitlement - ie: thinking that we deserve things and not being grateful. A heart pricker for sure! I definitely needed it. He said there are three things we can do to replace the spirit of entitlement with humility: 1. sincere prayer 2. taking the sacrament sincerely 3. attending the temple. So I guess I already fulfilled one of those yesterday! And it felt awesome. Again, phew. :)

What was I going to say...oh yes! My first assignments! Were awesome. My professors assigned us to read talks for our first assignments - talks! This is my school. :) And yesterday for intro to landscape architecture we got to go to the beautiful gardens and take pictures! My favorite. I love humanities - our class is so fun! I've decided I love classic art and classic music. Oh, and here's my first drawing I did for online drawing:

I love drawing! I love art! Right now I'm sort of trying to decide between an art major and a horticulture major. It'll probably end up being something totally different. haha. College is fun! And it kind of seems like everyone I know reminds me of someone else...a hint of home. :) P.S. I am trying to focus on FRIENDS, not GUYS. I'm so ready!

Alright, I am ready to tackle homework! And Jack Johnson, I love you!

And Caitlin Stack, I love you more!