
Garr! Tha Attitude o' Gratitude

Oh jeepers. Things are crazy right now! So. I got asked to prom by this wizard a few weeks ago! (I am so grateful. I feel for my sistas out there who aren't going - it hurts, I know.) Later, he called me and said his grades weren't good and his dad most likely wouldn't let him go to the dance. Bless him for telling me early instead of the night before. I was pretty sad! Well, my friend Cap'n Peach Fuzz* and I call each other most nights to talk about Preach My Gospel together and tonight was no different. He called a few minutes after I found out and I told him the news.

Says he: "Do you want to go?"
"With me?"
"Okay, alright!"

haha. And so we're going to prom together! And I am stoked as a wildfire. :)

(*Name has been changed to protect identity.)

In other news! I need to let off some steam before this little teapot explodes. Here goes! The capital letters are coming out, folks!
Okay. Not really. But at this point I wish I was. I am a little frustrated with how spread out I am. Ever seen that Mormonad with the guy spread out on a piece of toast? Graphic. haha. Just kidding. That's just kind of how I feel. The only thing is, I'm not even involved in a million things! I'm not running a non-profit organization and baking two dozen cupcakes and accompanying a baker's dozen of soloists like some of my friends...ahem. haha. Here's the thing: I'm a perfectionist. I'm trying to be better about doing things even if they're not perfect. And I am becoming better at not listening to the voices that say I'm not good enough, through God's help. Bless Him. :)

In other news! I think I found a possible future career. :) I am going into photography at BYU-I this fall...and that sounds so crazy. It seems like just yesterday I was a small infant child! haha. I'm not so sure about photography as a career. Shorely it would be mom-friendly, but on terms of passion, it doesn't put the thumb on the spot...or however that phrase goes. It came to me tonight that maybe I could interview older people and put their life stories together into books for their children! I am still into photography, you see. And I love listening to old people's stories just as much as they love telling them! So that could combine passion and necessity. I am also considering a career that has to do with the church, like a seminary teacher or something with genealogy. Also, after going to the hunger banquet at BYU, I have thought about going into humanitarian aid. Building a school in Africa or helping to teach agriculture and economic techniques in a third-world country would be so fulfilling! However...not very mom-friendly. haha. I learned some really cool things from that hunger fest though. Ready for a cool quote?

Here goes:

"We are more similiar than we are different...We differ not in our worth, but in our circumstances."

So true! The speaker there said we have a responsibility to help others who were not "born in the right zip code". And it's true! I just imagined what an impact that room of 300+ could do if we were all sent out to different countries for just one month. The speaker also talked about
human dignity.
People are able! We are able to lift ourselves out of poverty, if given the tools and the opportunities! No matter our circumstances, we all deserve respect. I highly recommend reading Banker to the Poor by Muhammad Yunus. It's about a man who breaks the slavery of women caught in a cycle of borrowing money from loan sharks who keep them in debt. Yunus saw this cycle of poverty, and by lending money to those women, enough to let them sell their materials themselves and become liberated, he helped them. He lended about 40 cents to each woman - a tiny amount! That 40 cents
changed their entire lives.
It's called microlending, and where it's been practiced in Bangledesh, it's had a profound effect on the people. They have gained freedom from poverty. Yunus has started Grameen Bank, and unlike other banks, he has no interest rates and he only lends to the poor (mostly to women, because they spend their money on their families). The bank has a 99 percent return rate from their lendings. I think it's incredible! I would love to help out with something like that.

Man, I had a lot to get out there!

Oh! And here are some random things I'm grateful for:
  • eyebrows - Without them, how would I show emotion? How would I keep the shampoo out of my eyes?
  • living in Utah - My life would be so different! We are so blessed to have such incredible opportunities and to have temples dot the land about us. So grateful. :)
  • good music - Always been grateful, but I am becoming more and more grateful as faddish music becomes more and more unoriginal. You know those songs that are just incredible? Love them to death. haha
  • thumbs - Have you ever tried to open a door without your thumbs? 'Nuff said.
  • myself - Where would I be without me? haha. Just kidding. I just have learned to love myself lately and I am so much happier! Glad I can be my own best friend, not my biggest critic. Where would I be without my Savior, the One who blessed me with the power to turn my weaknesses into strengths?
I could go on for years. In fact, I will! Every day. There is so much to be grateful for! I'm grateful for gratitude! haha

Lastly, I want to say how incredibly grateful I am to have
the gospel.
In its purest sense - past the magnet boards, green Jell-o, and polka dot bows, precious as they are - it is the joy that comes from living the truth. The spirit of the Oquirrh Mountain open house, the Christlike love of President Hinckley, the sunsets from Frog Rock, the incredibly stirring music of Jenny Oaks Baker - these to me symbolize the gospel. It is a living thing, so powerful, so simple, indiscriminate of anyone - it is beautiful, stirring. I haven't experienced it all, but I am enthralled by it. It touches my very core, makes it ache with goodness, and I am never the same. I don't know how to explain it. I invite you to partake of it if you don't have it, my friends. You have nothing to lose, and it is my greatest blessing. I would trade it for nothing. It answers my every question. It makes so much sense! I could not imagine how I would feel if I didn't know why we're here, how our Father feels about us, and where we're going after this day of life. It encompasses my entire life and always gives me more than I deserve. I am eternally grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Susannah. WHY am I reading your blog when I should be doing math homework?? So ridiculous. And now I won't even get that extra 15 minutes of sleep that is so crucial to my health and could even impact me in the future! Jeepers!
    But i loved your blog to death. It's great.
    You are talented.
    And I loved how you said "jeepers" within the first sentence :) just makes me day!
