Let me first say: I am sorry! My posts have been filled with ramblings and complaints. I can't promise anything in the future (this is my venting arena), but I am now conscious that someday, somewhere, someone could be reading this!
Looking back to my past blogs, I see that I tried SO HARD to change! Post-it notes for every smile I tacked on? Really?
Want to know something? Since those efforts, I haven't fallen in love with running. I still go to bed at 1 am. I still have a hard time looking at the bright side of life.
A visual (not drawn to scale):
I'll never make it, I say! Welp, guess what. Christ changes what I can't. Ever read the Voyage of the Dawn Treader? Of course you have, it's a classic! Eustace, the complaining English boy on a magical boat, gets turned into a dragon. I am Eustace. I scratch and scratch at my unfashionable dragon hide - it feels good. "I'm getting somewhere!" I yell in Dragon. False. Now I'm just a distraught, tired dragon. Then, the Master comes. He can help me. After some reluctance, I allow Him to. He pierces me to my very heart - it hurts more than anything I've felt before - but only for a moment. I am changed. Though I would scratch at that natural man for a thousand years, I could not do it alone.
I promise you this much - we cannot change alone. Please let Christ make you into who you hope to be. I don't have many years to my name, but with the experiences I have had, I know that He, and only He, can change you. All He needs is for you to let Him.